The energy penalty associated with the conditioning of large quantities of outdoor air in hot and humidclimates is well known. The problem is even more challenging when the application involved requires100% outdoor air. This is the case in an animal care facility, which houses different species ofanimals that are used for laboratory experiments in the field of life sciences. In such cases, it iscrucial that energy conserving HVAC systems be explored.
Heat transfer between soil and cooling water in buried pipes is presented, thus ground source heatpump can realize the transfer from low-grade energy to high-grade energy. We tested Watertemperature and flow rate of the buried pipe of Ground source heat pump system under intermittentoperation condition in Qingdao, temperature field of vertical buried double-U pipes is analyzed bythree-dimensional numerical model.
This study explored the reduction effect of indoor pollutants by the kinds of plant. The effect of reducingthe concentration of air contaminants by three species of plants was studied in a full-scale mock-upmodel. Aglaonema brevispathum, Pachira aquatica and Ficus benjamiana were used. Their positionsand amount were controlled. Field measurements were performed in models where the plants wereplaced and were not. The dimensions of the two models were equal.
In an indirect evaporative cooling (IEC) installation the extracted air is cooled by means of adiabatichumidification. By passing over an air/air heat exchanger this air cools down the supply air. A clearinteraction can be observed between the relative humidity of the extracted air and the thermal comfortrealized in the building.
Using a passive tracer gas technique, 1 and 2 week averages of local mean ages of air have beenestimated in an occupied detached single family house in mid-Sweden during one year. In this paperthe measurement result is compared with the result of transient simulation of ventilation using theCONTAM program. The simulation shows that the whole-house air change rate is dominated by theinfiltration due to mechanically created pressure difference as long as the outdoor temperaturedifference exceeds approx. 10 C.
A Simulation Program for Regional Energy and Environment Management (SPREEM) has beendeveloped for management throughout the life cycle from planning and design to operation of awide-area energy and environment whose core is DHC (district heating and cooling). Highoperability and easy understanding are required in SPREEM because its target users includedesigners and operations managers.SPREEM was developed as a simulation tool that executes calculation in Excel, and offers the highaccuracy required for management.
The growth of automobile population in Kuala Lumpur is an important issue for car parking spacesespecially commercial buildings. The large multi storey and underground car parks seem to offer goodsolution nowadays. Undeniably, indoor air quality (IAQ) is a vital element in the underground car park. Itis so important due to its effects to the human beings.
The purpose of studying vernacular Japanese architecture is to understand to what extent a house withlarge opening surfaces, no thermal insulation and very low environmental impact can become avaluable shelter during cold winters and hot humid summers. The reason of this result is to be found inthe strict relationship between the socio-cultural context and the environmental characteristics of thebuilding. The occupants behavior, the way of dressing, relaxing, living inside the house is acomplement of the thermal, daylight and solar performances of the envelope.
With radiant heating, it is possible to set room air temperature lower than when heating withair-conditioning because the human body is heated by a radiation. As room air temperature decreases,heat loss from walls and windows decreases, and so does the ventilation load. It is often said that theradiant heating, such as floor heating saves energy. This study calculates heat flow at the windows andthe walls of a living-room using computational fluid dynamics (CFD).
It is necessary to unsteadily accurately estimate handling and time-related spatial distribution of theindoor environment element in respect of externality meteorological phenomenon and time-varyingmovement of the heating and cooling load in order to carry out the thermal environment design in detail.With the speedup of the recent computer, the unsteady CFD calculation was practically carried out andresults fed back to the environmental design.However, time subtraction interval and convergence decision are appropriately set at the case of theunsteady analysis, and it is necessary to examine