In this paper, a new optimal design method for buildings and urban energy systems is proposed. Alsoits applicability is analyzed through a simple case study. Genetic Algorithms (GA) which can deal withnonlinear optimization problems is adopted for this optimal design method. This method has twooptimization steps, selection of equipment capacity and selection of the best operational planning.These optimization problems cannot be solved separately due to the strong relation between thecapacity size and operation efficiency of equipment.
The heat island phenomenon in the Tokyo metropolitan area has spread ever more widely, and it is nowtoo wide to treat as a single regional phenomenon. In this paper, the authors have analyzed the climateon an urban scale in summer, and compared the regional characteristics of the atmospheric heatbalance at the center of Tokyo, an inland satellite city, and a satellite city on the other side of Tokyo Bay,using a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation.
In Heerlen, the Netherlands, warm and cold water volumes from abandoned mines is used for heatingand cooling of buildings, based on a low exergy energy infrastructure. The combination of lowtemperature heating and cooling emission systems, advanced ventilation technologies and integrateddesign of buildings and building services provide an excellent thermal comfort and improved indoor airquality during 365 days/year, combined with a CO2 reduction of 50% in comparison with a traditionalsolution.
In December 2004 the EU RESHYVENT project is completed, a three-year project within the EU FifthFramework Programme, on the investigation and development of Demand Controlled HybridVentilation systems in Residential Buildings. The project is a clustering of four industrial consortia fromSweden, the Netherlands, Belgium/France and Norway with a multi-disciplinary scientific consortium.Each of these industrial consortia has developed a working prototype of a hybrid ventilation system fora specific climate.
The purpose of this investigation is to know the present status of indoor air chemical pollution byVOCs in Japanese houses. The concentrations of formaldehyde, toluene, xylene, ethyl-benzene,styrene and acetaldehyde were measured in ten thousand built houses from 2000 to 2005. And thefollowing results were obtained. In 2000, the indoor concentrations of formaldehyde exceeded theguideline established by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare of Japanese Government at thepercentage of 27%. And In the case of toluene the percentage was 12 %.
The thermal performance of the building envelope is mainly required for guaranteeing a comfortableand hygienic interior climate. A roof is a part of the building envelope which provides protection from thethermal damage of the sun. To improve this protection ability, we can consider using a ventilated roof,which has a ventilation layer known as a cavity, beneath the roof cover panel.The objective of this study is to evaluate the influence of such factors as the slope of the roof, size orshape of the openings (i.e.
Heating and cooling of buildings may be done by water based radiant systems, where pipes areembedded in the concrete slabs between each storey. Hundreds of buildings with such systems arenow being constructed or are in operation in Europe.Because these types of systems are using the building mass for heating and cooling it is oftenquestioned how the systems should be controlled and operated. The present paper presents aparametric study of different control and operation concepts for both cooling (summer) and heating(winter) periods.
The indoor air quality management of the railroad passenger cabin is a hot environmental issue inmany countries. Especially, particulate matters are known to be harmful for lung and bronchus, andhigh concentration of carbon dioxide may cause headache and dizziness. Therefore, new regulation tolimit the particulate matters and carbon dioxide concentrations in the railroad passenger cabin is underpreparation in Korea. In this study, a new concept of an integrated novel air cleaning system for railroadpassenger cabin was suggested.
This research determines chemical substance removal rates of domestic air cleaners using with thepollutant constant-emission test. In previous studies, we have already reported the formaldehyderemoval rates of room air cleaners and the high accuracy of our method for predicting indoor pollutantconcentration. In the present study, the VOCs removal rates of room air cleaners were measured.Gas-phase contaminants were supplied to the environmental test-chamber using a custom-builtemission device. And performance evaluation test was conducted to two kinds of air cleaners.
The International Organization for standardization (ISO), Technical Committee 163 "ThermalPerformance and Energy Use in the Built Environment" (ISO/TC 163) is dealing with development oftools that can be used to design and construct or retrofit energy efficient buildings and installations. Theoverall aim for this is to reduce our dependency of non-renewable resources and to reduce theemission of harmful substances to the air. Methods are needed for the evaluation of the energyperformance of complete buildings and parts of buildings or building installations.