The impact of moisture on the thermal conductivity value of stone wool based insulating materials

One of the significant threats for buildings is the possibility of changes in the building materials’ properties because of the penetration and residence of moisture it them. In the case of insulating materials such damages may initially have an energy co

The impact of colored glazing and spectral response of photosensors in the estimationof daylighting energy savings

Daylighting control systems have quite high potential to reduce building’s energy consumption and peak demand. Despite this potential, reported poor performance, didn’t allow substantial increase in their installation rates. Thus during design stage, is e

The environmental and ecological semeiology in architecture

In idyllic Athens of the 5th century B.C.

Teaching for integration of building energy simulation in the design process

For many reasons building simulation programs are still not recognized as useful design support tools to the same extent as Computer-Aided Design (CAD) or cost-estimating software. There is a strong perception that simulations are time consuming, costly, slow and require expensive or specialized equipment and knowledge that increase design costs. Additionally, simplifications applied to model description, algorithm inaccuracy, or deviations inherent to weather data treatment methods result in poor matches between measurements and predictions, which decrease confidence in obtained results.

Study on the cooling ceiling’s effect on thermal comfort and energy consumption in an office space for different climates in Europe

This paper objective is to analyze by simulations, the thermal comfort and energy consumption when using a radiant cooling ceiling. For this study we have used the simulation energy tool called Trnsys in order to simulatethe system for an office building. Sensible and latent loads were simulated in the office representing a real day situation. Knowing that the cooling system is sensibleto the risk of condensation a control-system was used during the simulations to completely avoid this risk.

Solar assisted heat pump in dual mode: direct and indirect space. Heating by the air collectors. Simulation results and evaluation with measurement results

The heating system of the bioclimatic building of CRES comprises the entire heating plant including a solar assistedheat pump, the Solar Air Collectors (SAC) as well as the heat distribution system (comprising a fan coil unit network).

Simulation of a large scale ground source heat pump with natural cooling

Since recent years cooling demand in office buildings has tremendously increased due to higher internal heat production of equipment, lighting and higher thermal comfort requirements. Classical cooling machines needs a lot of electricity to cover these high demands when primary energy factors are taken into consideration. The use of vertical borehole heat exchangers (BHEs) in combination with a ground source heat pump (GSHP) reduces the energy consumption for the office building. The optimum number of vertical borehole heat exchangers is simulated.

Retrofitting of the general secretariat information systems

This document describes the rehabilitation of the GeneralSecretariat Information Systems (GSIS building) and the description of the energy measures that were implemented aiming at the improvement of the buildingenergy performance and the indoor environmental conditions.

Potential of geothermal heat exchangers for office building climatisation

Low depth geothermal energy can be efficiently used as a heat sink for building energy produced during summer.In the current work, several geometries of geothermalheat exchangers implemented in office building climatisationprojects are evaluated for their energetic performance.For all geometries, simulation models were developed and validated using the experimental data, so that parameter studies could be carried out.A main result of the performance analysis is that the ground coupled heat exchangers have excellent coefficientsof performance ranging from 20 50 as average annual ratios of co

Performance study of air washer chilled water coil system for a yarn industry

This project presents the performance of air washer chilled water coil system for a yarn industry .The basicprinciples including (1) effectiveness, (2) saturation efficiency and energy consumption for the systems are evaluated.. In addition these spray system prevents the contaminants produced in yarn industries entering into the system. This paper also presents the results of direct evaporative cooling processes, energy efficiency ratio and cooling efficiency for the air washer chilled water coil system.
