Building AdVent: aiming to help spread best practice in ventilation

Building AdVent is a new collaborative project funded by the EU through its Intelligent Energy – Europe (IEE) programme. The aim is to help spread good practice in ventilation design through a series of case studies and supportive teaching materials. This

An adaptable urban house designed for the southern Brazilian climate

The climate in southern Brazil is characterised by mild winters and hot-humid summers which requires the design to be adaptable to the often conflicting summer and winter requirements. In the residential sector, air conditioning consumption is still low, but it has been growing significantly along with an increase in peoples purchasing power, which emphasizes the importance of encouraging a change in construction practices (MME, 2001).

A study on the energy efficency of libraries of the west and tejo valley region in portugal

Library buildings offer special conditions to favor the adoption of low energy strategies. In addition, their potentialhigh degree of interaction with the youth and a specific educational role makes of libraries one of the best typologies of public buildings to spread good practiceson how to manage energy, indoor environment and sustainability. This study focuses on the energy efficiencyof libraries in the West and Tejo Valley Region, Portugal, in the context of the elaboration of its new regionalplan (PROT) [1].

A methodology to study the urban distribution of air temperature in fixed points

One of the current challenges in the urban climate researcharea mentions the standardization of procedures for data collection and analysis (OKE, 2005); this involvesnomenclatures and methods, so that the transmissionof the developed technology can be better understoodand applied in diverse realities.

A green building for the roaring forties

This paper looks at the design and construction in 2006/2007 of a ‘green’ office building in Wellington, New Zealand. Wellington lies at 42 degrees South of the equator, in a region known as the ‘Roaring Forties’ due to the constant winds, making it an ideal situation for wind farms. While the temperature range in the city is moderate, the strong wind has severe climatic effects.

A comparison between energy performance of one DSF buildings studied sample and office buildings benchmarks in Europe

This paper describes ongoing energy benchmarks studies of double-skin façade buildings. A comparison between energy performance of these actual buildings and European office buildings benchmarks is discussed. Some preliminary results are presented.

‘Designer village’, low energy dwellings - The DEMOHOUSE project

This document aims to describe and present the energy efficient measures that are implemented in four dwellingsthat are currently under construction on the foothill of mountain Dionysos, northern of Athens (Greece).

Use of mechanical ventilation in Finnish houses

This study reports ventilation measurement and occupant questionnaire results fromnewly built 102 Finnish detached houses. The results show that ventilation units wereused constantly and the fan speed setting was changed very seldom. There was aslight tendency to use higher speed in the summer than in winter. Ventilation unitsprovide an average actual air change rate of about 0.4 ach (13 L/s,pers) both inwinter and summer which is less than the code value of 0.5 ach. Airflowmeasurements at design fan speed show that only 57% of houses comply withregulations.

Operation of fire place, exhaust hood and dwelling ventilation system

The fundamental requirements, already presented at the 1st European BlowerDoorSymposium, did not change, respectivley practice has brought up some points.Still there is no standardised qualification profile on the part of the district chimneysweeper. That is based finally on the fact that the draft standard to the control devicedid not come beyond the objection phase. Thus the control device is still anunregulated electronic component and requires a general approval by GermanInstitut for Structural Engineering (Deutsches Institut fr Bautechnik).

Measuring strategies for the airtightness measurement of multifamily residences

The demand for airtightness measurements in residential buildings rises. Thus alsothe interest in airtightness measurements in multi-family resindences grows. Thequestions, which are often posed, amongst others are:- Must the entire building be measured or is it enough to measure each dwellingindividually?- Is the the whole building to be measured, if the attic is developed?In this contribution typical questions are answered.
