The application of system identification techniques to the energy performance assessment of buildings and building components requires a high level of knowledgeof physical and mathematical processes. This factor,combined with the quality of the data, the descriptionof the monitoring procedure and test environment, together with the experience of the user of the analysis software itself, can produce varying results from differentusers when applying different models and software packages.
Solar gains are one of the most important factors of design for energy efficient buildings. While “catching the sun” in winter is a main strategy, protecting the building from the excessive solar heat gains in summer is even of greater significance. In pa
So that a building meets its requirements regarding stability, energy conservation andhygiene, it is not only necessary, that the airtightness layer is really airtight in its planaryformation, but also that functionality is given within the range of plate or track joints as wellas with connections and completions.With the available contribution new realizations are to be represented regarding thedurability of adhesives and tapes to different adjacent construction units and with coursetransitions of airtightness layers.
Some regions of Mexico have recently increasedtheir population significantly, due tolocally economical growths. Because of thissituation, an accelerated growth in the constructionof certain type of economic dwellingstakes place. These houses vary from 36 to 45 m2of construction area. The behavior of thesetypes of dwellings in warm-dry climates hasbeen analyzed. In these climates, an adequatearchitectonic design, considering thermal aspects,is indispensable, in order to obtain the requiredcomfort conditions.
The design for the new University of Cypruscampus is being developed in a series of sixcompetitions, paralleling the six "phases" ofconstruction. Awards are being made both to thebest overall design, which then also determinesthe architectural firm responsible for that phase,as well as for the best bioclimatic design. Thispaper describes the first-prize winner in bothcategories for the second of this series of competitions,representing the first phase of studenthousing design.
Natural ventilation in ancient building proposesand introduces some strategies for the modernarchitecture while representing the natural ventilationas a sustainable cooling system in traditionalIranian architecture.A sustainable development which widelydiscussed in scientific communities introducesenvironmental sustainability as one of its aimsand environmental sustainability focuses on theuse of clean recycling or renewable energy.The sustainable architecture that advances toa point in order to be allowed to reach its aimsand goals deems necessary the design off anybuilding with the least
In 1999, the State of California initiated thedesign of its largest office-building complex.The State Legislature mandated that thiscomplex exceed the states energy code in effectat the time by at least 30% as well as beconstructed as an example of sustainableconstruction. As a result, numerous pioneeringspecifications and guidelines were developed toenhance indoor air quality, energy and waterefficiency, as well as increase recycled contentsin building materials.
Undeniably the natural environment has greataffect to the quality of living in a space. Formany years people have been seriously takingunder consideration the environmental conditionsof each area in the construction of theirresidences.
This paper presents an indoor environment andenergy management system for microclimatecontrol of greenhouses. Two fuzzy logic controllers,where expert knowledge of the agriculturistsand growersis emdedded, are developed.These controllers consist of a fuzzy P (Proportional)and a PD (Proportional-Derivative).