The paper is structured around the outcomes of the SB05MED International Conference entitled “Sustainable Construction: Action for sustainability in the Mediterranean region”, held in Athens, in June 2005. It will present existing approaches of environmen
Summer the corridors of the house are filled with a boiling hot lava, the heat that’s exhausting, sweaty look and the minimal clothes that I wear are stuck on my skin and in my ears the intolerable n
In the modern society term ‘energy consumer’ refers in small scale consumers. This is a quick conclusion that leads to erroneous categorisation of consumers of electric energy. The suitable segregation of energy requirements leads to a right gradation of
One of the greatest threats for buildings is the possibility of changes in the building materials’ properties because of the penetration and residence of moisture it them. In the case of insulating materials such damages may initially have an energy cost,
The primary aim of the EP label project is to facilitate the implementation of article 7.3 of the European Energy Performance of Buildings Directive – the display of energy certificates by public buildings – by developing a harmonized methodology for deli
This document describes the solutions of architectural integration incorporated to Isofoton’s new factory, located in Andalucia Technological Park, in Malaga, Spain (latitude 36,7 Nº); which started to work in the middle of 2005. As a part of a big comple
In the framework of the European program of»Polis", an extensive network of 27 selfregistering stations, which were recording air temperatures inside the urban environment of the city of Athens for a time period of two years, from August 1996 until August
In urban areas, main air flows from prevailing winds are strongly modified, depending on constructions’ morphology and urban microclimate’s effects. The meteorological data on the wind speed are often available from outside city centres whereas this wind
In this paper we are introducing the first versionof COMFORT-EX, a computational tool, with afriendly interface, developed in Java languageand visible from any computer with an Internetbrowser. This tool pretends to assist architects,landscape architects and urban planners to determinethe correct design strategies to followfor a project in specific climate conditions. Italso helps to evaluate the thermal comfort sensation,and to make the pertinent corrections ifnecessary. A selected case study sited in thecampus of the University of Sonora, evaluatedwith COMFORT-EX, is described.
Art does never just copy nature. There existsalways a transcendental added value due to theintervention of the artist himself. In some formsof art, such as in painting or sculpture this ismore obvious. However, the more abstract andnon-figurative the form of art the less obviousthis becomes such as in the case of architectureand music where the starting points are not frommotives that already pre-exist.