The fast and uncontrolled emergence of a will topromote sustainable development in the field ofbuilding construction generates new requirementsfor urban development. Besides technicalsolutions, project managers or urban plannersmust take into consideration the overall impactof his project on the local and global environmentas well as social trends, economic development,health and safety for users.
The present paper presents the results of the energyand environmental evaluation of ten schoolbuildings in the Greater Athens Area. The researchincluded measurements of the indoor airquality, evaluation of the situation of the buildingenvelope, recording of energy and ventilationsystems and generally all the systems thatinfluence the energy output of the school buildings.Experimental investigations were performedin ten different schools and the concentrationlevels of CO2, CO and VOCs weremeasured.
This study is based on the analysis of approximately1000 questionnaires, which include informationabout the incomes, the oil and electricityconsumptions as well as characteristicslinked to the type, the size, the existing thermalinsulation materials and the indoor air temperaturesof the buildings.The data were normalised according to theoutdoor air temperature as well as according tothe surface area of the building.
Using renewable energy sources (RES) in buildingsector is already an issue of major importancedue to fuel overpricing, world populationgrowth and residential energy consumption increment.Besides, the observance of protocol ofKyoto and European Commissions directive2001/77/EC impose further application of RESin urban environment. Within this frameworkand as a part of a wider initiative to reduce energyconsumption in buildings, constructioncompanies are beginning to integrate photovoltaic(PV) systems into the roof or the facadesof new or renovated structures.
In 2001 two twin residential buildings wereerected in Milan, each hosting around 50 apartmentson 6 floors. They both have adopted ecofriendlyand energy efficiency solutions, butthere are also some differences among them.This paper presents the main findings of a comparisonbetween the energy performances of thetwo buildings during winter and summer seasons,showing that although the look is absolutelysimilar and the differences in the designare limited, they have an impact that cannot beneglected.
Building sector is accounting for a significantand increasing part of the worldwide energyconsumption and is responsible for importantgreenhouse gas emissions.
Thermal evaluation of buildings involves differentvariables and parameters. The differentmodels of thermal analysis and evaluation ofbuildings vary depending on the input dataneeded, the mathematical models used, the accuracyof results and the scope of the evaluation.A phenomenological global approach is apossibility for simplifying detailed models consideringspecific purposes, i.e.
The energy consumption matter for the buildingsector has come up again urgently looking forstandards, measures, policies and best practices.That is because building sector have direct impactboth on energy consumption and environment(cooling, heating, raw materials for construction,consumption of natural sources-water,fossil fuels and emissions of harmful substances).Buildings are responsible for the approximately40% of the primary energy consumptionin EU (164 millions buildings in EU-15, 193 millions in EU-25) and for about 50%of CO2 emissions (Commission of the EuropeanCommunities, COM 769
Linking artificial lighting with daylight requiresthe presence of controls and censors for eachroom. Apart from the energy saving producedthough, this can have significant initial cost implicationsfor the user. This paper presents amethod for linking artificial lighting with daylightover a whole building in real time, througha single sensor system.By placing a camera on the top of a building, itis possible to capture a digital image of the skyat regular intervals. Post processing that imagecan give us an accurate representation of the skyconditions at any given moment.
In this work, the heat island effect is studied forthe coastal town of Patras. For this purpose, aset of 13 data loggers, have been placed, in chosenrepresentative locations, to monitor ambientair temperature variations. Collected data arepresented for characteristic places. Results areextracted which indicate that heat island effectsare much less intense in comparison with otherinland towns.