Using renewable energy sources (RES) in buildingsector is already an issue of major importancedue to fuel overpricing, world populationgrowth and residential energy consumption increment.Besides, the observance of protocol ofKyoto and European Commissions directive2001/77/EC impose further application of RESin urban environment. Within this frameworkand as a part of a wider initiative to reduce energyconsumption in buildings, constructioncompanies are beginning to integrate photovoltaic(PV) systems into the roof or the facadesof new or renovated structures. Building integratedphotovoltaic (BIPV) systems, apart fromgenerating electricity by utilizing solar radiation,are also installed as major construction material,substituting more expensive conventionalmaterials.
Integrated photovoltaics as an element of building’s envelope
Bibliographic info:
Energy Performance and Environmental Quality of Buildings, International Workshop (EPEQUB 2006), Milos Island, Greece, 6 & 7 July 2007