The present paper presents the results of the energyand environmental evaluation of ten schoolbuildings in the Greater Athens Area. The researchincluded measurements of the indoor airquality, evaluation of the situation of the buildingenvelope, recording of energy and ventilationsystems and generally all the systems thatinfluence the energy output of the school buildings.Experimental investigations were performedin ten different schools and the concentrationlevels of CO2, CO and VOCs weremeasured. The analysis of the educational buildingsincluded measurements of several environmentalparameters such as temperature, relativehumidity and air velocity inside each classroom,while ventilation was examined by estimatingthe air changes using the tracer gas technique.The thermal comfort conditions havebeen calculated using two different thermalcomfort bioclimatic indices developed to beused for indoor spaces. The investigation of theabove parameters was assessed in relation to theenergy consumption of the school buildings. Finallythe energy performance of school buildingswas rated using a kmeans clustering technique.
Energy audit certification and environmental evaluation of school buildings
Bibliographic info:
Energy Performance and Environmental Quality of Buildings, International Workshop (EPEQUB 2006), Milos Island, Greece, 6 & 7 July 2007