Pouffary, S.
Bibliographic info:
Energy Performance and Environmental Quality of Buildings, International Workshop (EPEQUB 2006), Milos Island, Greece, 6 & 7 July 2007

Building sector is accounting for a significantand increasing part of the worldwide energyconsumption and is responsible for importantgreenhouse gas emissions. This is why rationaluse of energy and development of renewableenergy sources appear as strategic solutionsconsidering the significant resources available.In this context, energy efficiency in the buildingsector will be more and more considered as akey issue, even for energy exporters or importers.This is also true for Southern and EasternMediterranean Countries (SEMC), as this sectorrepresents 18 to 42% of the total national energyconsumed. After having emphasised the importanceof the building sector in the internationaland SEMC energy context, we will describe itsdevelopment and the barriers to overcome in orderto implement national and regional buildingenergy efficiency strategies. The need to createor reinforce an urgent proactive regional cooperationon this subject will also be underlined.The topic is not only an energy issue, but thechallenge here is to create a collaborative andinnovative approach for the implementation of aSustainable Mediterranean Building.