PREA is a joint project between four European Universities and three African Universities aswell as the International Solar Energy Society (ISES), an international NGO, that promotesrenewable energy.
This paper presents an established sustainable and integrated design methodology for theefficient heating and cooling of individual buildings and complexes. The methodologyincludes the design basis for combined heat and power systems, refrigeration, air conditioningand heating with pump systems. It is equally applicable for single family houses as well aslarge building complexes and meets a major challenge in the design of heating and coolingsystems, namely, the complexity of energy and power integration.
Fuel cells offer an environmentally sound, distributed energy source for individual buildings.Many governments believe that security and sustainability of energy supply can be improvedwith this technology. Therefore large public support programmes are under way to facilitatethe commercialization of residential fuel cell systems.
This paper is devoted to the development of a decision support system that could assist districtheating authorities in strategic management of their asset. Such a tool is designed in order toanswer a variety of questions asked by concerned stakeholders regarding the future of adistrict heating (DH) system about optimal plant and fuel choice, possible network extension,valorisation of heat surplus, etc.The kernel of this system is a simulation model which determines the energy balance of agiven DH network, over any type period.
There is an obvious and indisputable need for an increase in the efficiency of energyutilisation in buildings. Heating, cooling and lighting appliances in buildings account for morethan one third of the worlds primary energy demand. In turn, building stock is a majorcontributor to energy-related environmental problems.
Nowadays no energy source should exist without regulation to ensure its efficient use. Theregulation can be quantitative, qualitative or combined. This article compares the utilizationof geothermal well in two situations. The first situation is when no regulation is used on thegeothermal well head. The second situation is when the exploitation of geothermal water isregulated on the geothermal well head, i.e. quantitative regulation is considered. Theregulation on the geothermal well head grants savings on the geothermal well because only asmuch geothermal water is consumed as needed.
The issue of sustainability has been prevailed not only in building industry but also all otherindustries. It has been raised that the concept of green building system should be taken intoaccount for the design of buildings. This study is to understand characteristics of the greenbuilding system and find the solution of urban problems. Now, over 60% people all over theworld live in urban areas, and their communities continue to expand. Pollution and otherhazards also tend to accumulate in urban areas.
This paper gives an overview of selected Micro CHP technologies and products with thefocus on Stirling and steam machines. First results of field tests in Germany, the UnitedKingdom and some other EC countries are presented and commented in the paper. The firstfield test results available to the date show that along with the overall positive performancethere are some differences in sector performance (domestic vs small business).
This paper presents an established sustainable and integrated design methodology for theefficient heating and cooling of individual buildings and complexes. The methodologyincludes the design basis for combined heat and power systems, refrigeration, air conditioningand heating with pump systems. It is equally applicable for single family houses as well aslarge building complexes and meets a major challenge in the design of heating and coolingsystems, namely, the complexity of energy and power integration.
Object of the R&D activities of the last 2 years was the development of the new generation ofa stationary low temperature PEM fuel cell system (operating temperature max. 80C) withthe following features- 5 kW electrical power- 10 T / kW electrical power- robust continuous operation- lifetime greater than 10.000 h- system volume less than 1.000 dm.This new system is a pre-stage for a market suitable system. With some modifications it alsoallows an upgrade to a middle temperature system (operating temperature max. 120C).