Tóthová, V.; Takács, J.
Bibliographic info:
Proceedings CLIMA 2007 - Wellbeing Indoors (10-14 June Helsinki)

Nowadays no energy source should exist without regulation to ensure its efficient use. Theregulation can be quantitative, qualitative or combined. This article compares the utilizationof geothermal well in two situations. The first situation is when no regulation is used on thegeothermal well head. The second situation is when the exploitation of geothermal water isregulated on the geothermal well head, i.e. quantitative regulation is considered. Theregulation on the geothermal well head grants savings on the geothermal well because only asmuch geothermal water is consumed as needed. Therefore the lifetime of the geothermal wellis elongated. In this case of regulation, the efficiency of geothermal water utilization isincreased and it is nearly constant for all winter months.