This paper gives an overview of selected Micro CHP technologies and products with thefocus on Stirling and steam machines. First results of field tests in Germany, the UnitedKingdom and some other EC countries are presented and commented in the paper. The firstfield test results available to the date show that along with the overall positive performancethere are some differences in sector performance (domestic vs small business). Some negativeexperiences have been gained, especially regarding the results of field tests with the Stirlingengines and the free-piston steam machines and there are still obstacles for marketimplementation. Further projects and field tests with several kinds of micro-CHP are startingin different countries. If the positive experiences will prevail and deficiencies of thetechnologies or the operation can be eliminated, a comprehensive serial production and fullmarket implementation can be started in the near future
Micro-CHP: Overview of Technologies, Products and Field Test Results

Bibliographic info:
Proceedings CLIMA 2007 - Wellbeing Indoors (10-14 June Helsinki)