Object of the R&D activities of the last 2 years was the development of the new generation ofa stationary low temperature PEM fuel cell system (operating temperature max. 80C) withthe following features- 5 kW electrical power- 10 T / kW electrical power- robust continuous operation- lifetime greater than 10.000 h- system volume less than 1.000 dm.This new system is a pre-stage for a market suitable system. With some modifications it alsoallows an upgrade to a middle temperature system (operating temperature max. 120C). Theaccomplished R&D activities are essentially based upon simulations, the development ofseveral versions, experimental analysis in several test systems and a two years lasting fieldtest. The system was integrated into the supply system (heat and electrical power) of abotanical garden. In summary of these activities we could build up a new prototype systemwhich accomplishes all requirements mentioned above. We achieved research results, whichallow us the development of a market-driven system suitable for low and middle temperatureapplications within the next 2 -3 years.
inhouse4000 – experience with a PEM fuel cell system for stationary applications in buildings

Bibliographic info:
Proceedings CLIMA 2007 - Wellbeing Indoors (10-14 June Helsinki)