This paper is devoted to the development of a decision support system that could assist districtheating authorities in strategic management of their asset. Such a tool is designed in order toanswer a variety of questions asked by concerned stakeholders regarding the future of adistrict heating (DH) system about optimal plant and fuel choice, possible network extension,valorisation of heat surplus, etc.The kernel of this system is a simulation model which determines the energy balance of agiven DH network, over any type period. The time period is cut into different time steps,assuming steady state on each time step.At each time step, a linear programming LP based approach is used in order to compute theoptimal combination of heat power at the plants to meet the demand. The modelling problemis formulated on a graph and LP as the search for minimum energy production cost rooted atthe sources.
A linear programming based model for strategic management of district heating systems

Bibliographic info:
Proceedings CLIMA 2007 - Wellbeing Indoors (10-14 June Helsinki)