The use of bioclimatic solutions in architecture has been for a long time in Europe aconsolidated procedure, especially developed in northern countries. In the last years, in Italytoo, It has been followed through a good policy to increase the construction of buildingsequipped with solar energy harnessing system; many architectural competitions expressly askfor passive solar architectonic solutions.
Novi Sad is capital administrative center of the Province Vojvodina, one of two towns with active oil refinery crossroad of transit traffic artery and until recently great industrial town! In this paper are presented data of imission for basic pollutant matters in the air of the town, microclimate and health condition of children and adult population according to permanent reports of health services for preschool, schoolchildren and physician in primary health care (general population) for the period 2002-2005.
The installation of thermostatic valves and cost allocators represents the main modernizationmeasure of the heating installation. In this study we determined theoretically andexperimentally their effects upon the energy savings. Their adaptive behavior to the dynamicclimatic conditions leads to 15% energy savings. Further on, the people reduce the indoortemperature in order to reduce the price of the energy. This effect represents another 9%,leading to a total of 24% energy savings. The north apartments need 15% more thermalenergy than the south oriented apartments.
Various means of improving the energy efficiency of commercial buildings while preservingand/or improving their internal environmental quality have been extensively studied. In therecent past, the Gas Technology Institute (GTI), produced several of such studies orientedexclusively to identifying the benefits of applying various energy efficiency technologies todifferent types of commercial installations in the U.S.A. and also in Europe. Independently,these involved technologies for desiccant dehumidification and/or systems of combinedheating, cooling, and power generation, (CHP).
The focus on the needs and drives for adaptation of the building automatically leads tochanging needs and demands of the occupants of the building. Building should really takecare of its occupants and show adaptable behaviour and reaction to the changing outdoorenvironment during the day. Design for adaptability should start with the occupants needs forcomfort and indoor air quality. These are partly influences by the changing environmentalforces as wind and sun.
Close to Zermatt (Switzerland) the new Monte Rosa mountain cabin is going to be built in2008 at 2810 metres above sea level. This hut is designed to accommodate 120 mountaineers.Furthermore, it is going to mark a milestone in high alpine building presenting an attractive,unconventional architecture combined with both a surpassing comfort and a high degree ofenergy autarky of over 90%.Of course several measures have to be taken to achieve such a high degree of autarky whilealways keeping a limited budget in mind.
A multiple film based daylight control system for window has been developed to maintain theilluminance level at task plane. The developed system consists of three films with a visualtransmittivity (Tvis) range of 0.159 - 0.015 and a 2x55W dimmable compact fluorescent lamp(CFL) fixture.
Because we spend most of our time in enclosed spaces, demand in thermal comfort ofbuildings rose increasingly and then energy consumption correspondingly is increased,aggravating the pollution of natural environment. Integrating phase change materials (PCM)into building walls is a potential method of reducing energy consumption in passivelydesigned buildings. A wallboard new PCM material is experimentally investigated in thispaper to enhance the thermal behaviour of light weight building internal partition wall.
In order to get an accurate knowledge of the energy consumption of buildings and ofcomfort parameters inside of closed rooms depending on the time, we developed amathematical model. Based on Fouriers differential equation, this mathematical modelallows us to calculate the instantaneous heat loss, the amount of the heat flow stored inthe wall between the two time values, and the plotting versus time of the temperaturegenerated on the contact surface of a double-layer wall structure.
In the practical applications, roofs of buildings can be in different shapes depending onarchitectural design of building or climate. Some of these building roofs can be classified asgambrel, saltbox and gable roofs. In the present study, we investigated the natural convectionheat transfer and fluid flow inside the gambrel, gable and saltbox roofs for winter boundaryconditions. With this aim, the identified roofs are compared with each other from the heattransfer and flow field point of view.