Natural Convection Heat Transfer in a Saltbox Roof with Eave in Winter Day Conditions

In this study, a numerical analysis has been performed to examine the natural convection heattransfer and flow field inside a saltbox roof with eave in winter day conditions. This analysisis important for applications since it shows the effective parameters on natural convectionheat transfer. The governing equations of natural convection in streamfunction-vorticity formwere solved using central difference method to obtain flow and temperature fields inside theroof. Also, the Successive Under Relaxation (SUR) technique was used to solve linearalgebraic equations.

An Experimental Study for the Evaluation of the Environmental Performance by the Application of the Automated Venetian Blind

Venetian blind can have a major impact on building energy use and occupant's comfort. Butmanual or motorized Venetian blind has limitations in meeting occupants needs and inreducing energy consumption. These limitations can be overcome by the automatic control ofthe Venetian blind. This study aims to analyze the control method of commercially usedautomated Venetian blind and to evaluate the environmental performance of this type of blind.The environmental performance of an automated Venetian blind was evaluated by a real-scaleexperiment and occupants response in summer.

An Analysis of Environmental Performance and Improvement of the Envelope for High-Rise Residential Buildings

Due to high-rise residential buildings and extension of balcony, to resolve discomfort ofindoor-environment and the problem which energy consumption increases, high-riseresidential buildings, coming natural ventilation and decreasing expense of an airconditioningsystem., enable envelope system to be developed.The object of this study is to present the improvement on envelope of high-rise residentialbuildings to reduce heating and cooling load.

Optimization of refurbishment choices of a building by the use of the experimental design concepts

In order to reduce the energy consumptions, it is urgent to be focused on existing buildings.The answer is how to determine priorities of interventions on a building to be renovated. The traditional method consists in carrying out a great number of tests and quantifying profits obtained with each solution or combinations of solutions.

A Systematic Method for Improving Indoor Environment Quality through Occupant Satisfaction Surveys

A systematic method for assessing and improving indoor environment quality (IEQ) isdeveloped for existing and occupied office buildings. The method begins with an occupantsatisfaction survey that is directed to everyone working in a building. The structure of thequestions follows a pattern that offers valuable information of the technical reasons leading todissatisfaction.

Simplified methods to evaluate energy use for space cooling in the energy certification

Both on European and national scale, standards are now being drawn to extend to summer airconditioning the evaluation of energy requirement in building-plant systems. To this aimdifferent simplified methods have been taken into account, anyway all similar to theutilization factor method already used for the winter season.The results obtained by the application of these methods in the case of typical buildings aretherefore compared here with those from a dynamic simulation of building-plant system bymeans of comprehensive computer programs like Energy-Plus.

A voluntary scheme for certification of indoor environment and energy use

Specialist researchers, property owners, builders and building managers have togetherdeveloped a quality assurance (QA) management scheme that considers indoor environmentand energy use. The primary objective of quality assurance is to work towards continuingimprovements and to encourage those concerned to perform measures that otherwise wouldnot have been considered, and to ensure that energy improvements are not introduced at theexpense of indoor environment conditions.

BGP index: an approach to the certification of building global performance

In order to improve life quality into buildings, the present paper proposes a certification model for indoor total comfort.The first part of the paper concerns energy certification of buildings, with attention to energy efficiency, renewable sources, heating and air-conditioning. In the second part of the paper certificate concept is extended to factors which contribute to ideal requirements into buildings: acoustics and lighting, use of water, safety and technology are studied according to standards.

Using fractional experimental designs to establish multi-parametric expressions for energy consumption of commercial buildings

The large advancement in the market of building materials and of HVAC systems leads to a wide variety of technical solutions that can be employed to build an efficient low energy commercial building.The comparison between different combinations of parameters representing the main elements of the envelope, lighting management and solar blinds, office automation, plug consumptions and efficiency of the HVAC system is always of special interest to building owners and HVAC design engineers; however, such a study is rarely totally accomplished because of the time required.The paper describes a f

Environmental Assessment of a Low-Energy House

The paper shows the life cycle of a low-energy detached house from the viewpoint of CO2-emissions. It compares the energy use in the course of its service life in relation to energyinput necessary for its assembly and manufacturing of single building products. The servicelife is described using both the standardized calculation methods for energy balance ofbuildings and the open software tools, e.g. esp-r, as well.
