Estimation Method of Emission Rate and Effective Diffusion Coefficient using Micro Cell

In this report, we proposed the estimation method of building material properties by usingboth numerical analysis and measuring the time history of concentration in micro cell, andshowed that the effective diffusion coefficient, emission rate and initial concentration in thebuilding material is provided with a single measurement. The effective diffusion coefficientof testing building materials were estimated to be from about 4.010-10 to 2.510-8 [m2/s] inthis proposed method.

Measurements of VOCs emission rate from building materials during bakeout with passive sampling methods

Bake-out of buildings is believed to have a potential to reduce indoor air pollution caused byVOCs and formaldehyde emitted from building materials although controversial discussionshave been suggested. To clarify the effectiveness of bake-out, in this study, the variation ofVOCs and formaldehyde emission rate from building material were investigated in residentialhousing units with passive sampling methods.

A European Project SysPAQ

The European research project Innovative Sensor System for Measuring Perceived AirQuality and Brand Specific Odours (SysPAQ) is started under the VIth frameworkprogramme under the work programme New and Emerging Science and Technology(NEST PATHFINDER "Measuring the Impossible"). The Kick-off of the project was on thefirst of September 2006.

Technical Solutions for Reduction of Heat Stress in Animal Houses

Today, especially in the developed industrialised nations, we have a high standard of foodsupply for the population. In these societies people are asking increasingly how and underwhich conditions their foods are produced. These questions relate above all to the complexesof animal health and animal management conditions, product quality, and influences on theenvironment caused by animal production. One problem in this connection is the high airtemperatures together with high air humidity. There are not only in hot climates but also inGermany high temperatures during the summer period.

Thermal Comfort Requirements in Iranian Hospitals

This paper presents the results of a study to determine the thermal comfort requirements ofthe occupants in Iranian hospitals. It arrives at its conclusions through consideration of thewide range of metabolic rates and clothing levels experienced by the occupants. The studyincludes both patients and staff, and only considers patient recovery wards as these are wherethe greatest range of thermal comfort needs will normally be found. This study uses ISO 7730as its basis, with reference also to ASHRAE 55 and CIBSE.

Measured Thermal Comfort Conditions in Iranian Hospitals for Patients and Staff

The occupants of hospitals like other buildings have widely differing thermal comfortrequirements due to their different levels of clothing and metabolism. The study indicatedthree main groups of occupants in Iranian hospitals as: patients that are able to be covered,patients that are not able to be covered regarding their medical conditions, and staff. Thisstudy investigated the thermal comfort calculated to have been achieved for differentoccupants in Iranian hospitals.

Indoor Airflow and Human Thermal Comfort Research on One of the Chongqing Air-conditioned School Dormitory in Winter with CFD Simulation

Currently, numerical simulation research on indoor air and human thermal comfort usuallyfocuses on the air-conditioning room in summer. This paper uses an Air-conditioneddormitory in winter as a model to study indoor airflow and human thermal comfort. Thispaper uses k -e three-dimensional turbulence model and N-S equation, considers airflowwith room shape and obstacles as one, calculates the indoor airflow and heat transferproblems with overall solution, studies indoor air form especially velocity field withnumerical simulation.

Office workers’ feedback on the control of office indoor environment

Energy efficient behaviour was studied by a questionnaire addressing office workersaltogether in 34 office buildings in Finland, Sweden, the Netherlands, France and Italy. AFinnish occupancy study of the possibilities to adjust working environment and thus gainbetter working efficiency offered comparative reference results on similar themes.The possibility to control personal working environment was most important for the officeworkers. The qualitative building automation had a positive influence on the feedbackregarding workspaces.

Surveyed Thermal Comfort in Iranian Offices

This paper presents the findings of a short-term monitoring exercise and questionnaire surveyto assess the thermal comfort conditions actually being achieved in 6 Iranian Office buildings.The findings of the questionnaire and monitoring are compared to give confidence that thequestionnaire is accurately reflecting the calculated comfort conditions obtained from thephysically monitoring and site observations.

Evaluation of Comfort and Fatigue of Japanese Subjects in Extremely Low Humidity Air

Subjective experiments were carried out in a climate chamber using 16 Japanese subjects ofboth genders, in order to evaluate human comfort at very low humidity. Two levels ofabsolute humidity were set, 2.0 g/kg(DA) and 10.0 g/kg(DA). Three air temperatureconditions with absolute humidity of 2.0g/kg(DA), 20.0C/13%RH, 25.0C/10%RH and30.0C/8%RH, and 3 conditions with 10.0g/kg(DA), 20.0C/68%RH, 25.0C/50%RH,30.0C/38%RH, were examined. People were exposed in a chamber for 90 minutes withsedentary activity.
