Protecting the HVAC System During Construction: An Industry Standard of Care for Contractors

The relationship between construction activities and an increased risk of microbial contamination and degradation of air quality in new building construction and renovation projects was studied. Poorly designed or installed ventilation systems and inferior workmanship during construction were determined to have an adverse impact on the performance of the building ventilation system. This presentation will provide guidelines to protect HVAC system components during building construction and renovation projects and for building commissioning procedures for building ventilation systems.

Smoke separation with Air curtains analysed using CFD-simulations

Cfd-calculations were performed to test whether it is possible to separate a non-smoking zone from a smoking zone using an air curtain. The cfd-calculations resulted in the following conclusions: 1. A larger exhaust flow is best. 2. An air curtain with a low air curtain velocity and an air intake from the smoke zone (as opposed to an air intake from the non-smoking zone) has the lowest smoke concentration in the non-smoking zone. 3.

Computational Study of Contaminant Control by Multi-slotted Hoods in an Industrial Exhaust System

The subject of this paper is the numerical simulation of the capture of contaminants with a local exhaust system. The objective is to evaluate the influence of multi-slotted hoods on the capture efficiency and its impact on indoor air quality. The ventilation in the proximity of slots and the contaminant dispersion throughout the room were predicted using the commercial tool Fluent. Characteristics of the polluted air were examined for different geometrical opening configurations for a two-dimensional model. Two parameters were examined: the number of slots and the slot width.

Case Study: A Controlled Ventilation Solution for Laboratories at The Department of Natural Science of Tallinn University of Technology

This case study deals with the renovation project of ventilation system in the Natural Science Building of Tallinn University of Technology, covering the established aims and principles of technical solutions, in general, and results of monitoring. The reconstruction project involved the task of creating a new ventilation system for required indoor climate of laboratories, avoiding dissemination of harmful materials to rooms. In addition, it was required to keep the operations costs approximately at an acceptable level.

Ventilation Concepts in Operating Rooms An Innovative Research Project

The current state of building services engineering in the healthcare sector is characterized by ambiguity and prejudice. There is a conflict, with inadequate knowledge of the necessity and effectiveness of ventilation-based protection concepts on the one hand with the associated investment and operating costs if an integral view is adopted and the economics of antibiotic prophylaxis and infection treatment costs on the other.

The Influence Of “Ventilate Sill” Design As A Device To Improve Natural Ventilation Inside School Buildings In Hot And Humid Climate

This article is part of a research in progress about comparative study methods for the Brazilian reality using among many other authors, Givoni (1969), Voght and Miller-Chagas (1970), Fanger-ISO(1970), ASHRAE (55-1992), Mahoney (1971), Humphreys (1978) and Olgyay (1962) methods. This research presents the principal concept to be evaluated by the Universal Fuzzy Controlled aiming to establish a reference to determine a possible interference of the acclimatization factor to determine thermal comfort.

Subjective Thermal Comfort in the Environment with Spot Cooling System

Subjective experiments were conducted in a climate chamber to evaluate subjective thermal

Practical Investigation of Cool Chair in Warm Offices

This study investigated on a subject’s thermal sensation and use of a “Cool Chair” in two actual warm offices. We developed a chair-mounted isothermal airflow generator called the Cool Chair that adjusts the local thermal environment by changing airflow v

Indoor Thermal Environment in a Classroom Equipped with Air Forced System

In this work the evaluation of the indoor thermal environment in a classroom equipped with air forced system will be made. In the classrooms’ indoor thermal environment, with the air forced inlet in the door and the outlet located above the windows, two s

Comparison between thermal comfort predictive models and subjective responses in Italian university classrooms

This work is focused on the evaluation of indoor thermal quality and shows some results of awider field study in university classrooms. The field study was conducted through physicalobservations and questionnaires, performed at the same time during the regular lesson time,in a period just before the start of the heating season. The predictions of dissatisfiedoccupants, based both on Fangers heat balance model and on an adaptive approach, werecompared to each other.
