Full-scale laboratory measurements were conducted to determine moisture convectionperformance on the joint of external wall and attic floor. According to field measurements inprevious studies this joint is one of the most typical air leakage paths. On this joint also thehighest air pressure difference forms in winter. Two commonly used external walls: timberframeand autoclaved aerated concrete walls were measured. The attic floor was in both casesa timber-frame structure.
In our previous research[1], office workers are relatively frequent in self-reported symptomsof MCS/IEI compare to construction worker who highly exposed to VOCs compounds.However in that research, the subjects were too small to say it clearly. Based on that researchresults, self reported symptom surveys to 110 office workers and personal exposureconcentration measurement were conducted to 13 of people. VOCs exposure levels weremeasured within office, house and other places for a week by Passive Sampling Method.
In buildings, favorable growing conditions for mold fungi can occur and cause fungusinfestation. The danger for the occupants of dwellings lies in the spreading of pathogensthrough microorganisms. Mold fungi can occur not only on the surface of external walls, butalso inside construction parts. A prerequisite for preventing mold fungus is the knowledge ofthe transient building physical boundary conditions under which fungus growth takes place.The decisive parameters of influence like temperature, humidity and substrate have to beavailable over a certain period of time simultaneously.
This paper studies the extent of mould problems in a high-rise apartment complex with sixbuildings located in suburban of Seoul, Korea. The complex is composed of 466 householdswith different stories in buildings. The apartment buildings have occupants complaints due tomould growth on interior surfaces right after the completion.
The real estate market is changing rapidly and with it the evaluation of buildings.Requirements are being changed in order to meet market demand. Besides the location,infrastructure and the actual condition of a building's technical equipment a further parametercalled the Soft Factor is required in the evaluation of a buildings quality. High endequipped spaces, according to statistics, are more easily let and are therefore the key assets inhigher cash flow portfolios. A factor that can significantly decrease the value of a building islow air quality.
Measurements of SO2, NO2, and Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) of indoor air andcorrelation with outdoor air have been determined in an office of multistory mechanicallyventilated building. The objective of the study was to evaluate the diversity of SO2, NO2and SPM inside building and penetration of pollutants, mostly found outside, from outsideto inside in an airtight building. Ground floor of the building was selected for study.Horizontal measurement of SO2, NO2 and SPM was done inside the building at foursampling stations.
Controlled milling of natural source materials has led to establishment of an allergen carrier particle sample bank for common, indoor, allergen proteins. Allergen reference powders are obtained from controlled processing of spent dust mite culture, roach colony fras, and cat and dog fur samples from pet grooming establishments.
Half the electricity use in supermarkets derives from the display of refrigerated food. Climateinfluences the performance of the cabinets and their energy use as well as the thermal comfortof people and the temperature quality of the food. This work is an interdisciplinary study ofperceived comfort in relation to measured local climate. The aim is to define an appropriateclimate and to improve energy efficiency with maintained or even better climate for goods,staff and customers.
The aim of this study is to create a database of the effective thermal insulation provided to thebody segments by various types of summer clothing (Rclei). In a climatic chamber with calmair conditions (v ? 0.15 m/s), Rclei was obtained for 52 garments and 97 ensembles. In themeasurements, a female thermal manikin that had twenty segments was arranged in a sittingposture.
The attitudes can reveal the hidden reasons behind the customer choices. Referred interviewstudies identified typical indoor environmental requirements of the residents and madeinternational comparison of the feedback from both young families and senior citizens.Good housing conditions have positive influence on people's wellbeing and they should bearchived without energy usage in vain. Even if most the elderly can manage well in nominalindoor air conditions, some of them might complain of draft or low room temperatures.