Choi, Y.; Sung, K.; Kim, M.; Chun, C.; Park, J.
Bibliographic info:
Proceedings CLIMA 2007 - Wellbeing Indoors (10-14 June Helsinki)

In our previous research[1], office workers are relatively frequent in self-reported symptomsof MCS/IEI compare to construction worker who highly exposed to VOCs compounds.However in that research, the subjects were too small to say it clearly. Based on that researchresults, self reported symptom surveys to 110 office workers and personal exposureconcentration measurement were conducted to 13 of people. VOCs exposure levels weremeasured within office, house and other places for a week by Passive Sampling Method. Inthis study, it was found that the number of office workers who met the operational criteria ofMCS/IEI was 23.6% similar to 24.5% of previous result, and average of TVOC concentrationwas appeared high state by order of office, house, and personal exposure.