Validation Exercise Applied to Some TRNSYS Componentsin the Context of IEA34/43

An important part of IEA 34/43 is concerning validation of building simulation models.

Using Diatomite Soaked in CaCl2 Solution to Increase Dehumidification

In this paper, we discuss the characteristics, of diatomite, a moisture-absorbent material used for anew air-conditioning system. Diatomite powder is formed into grains (diameter: 8 mm) with a slantrotatingprocessing machine. After that, the grains are baked. Small balls (diameter: 45 mm) are thenformed from the grains, and are used as moisture-absorbent materials for cells in a moistureabsorbentdehumidifying ventilation device. Gross moisture conductivity (GMC) of the small balls wasmeasured under two conditions.

Two Case Studies on Heat Pump Systems with Ground Heat Exchanger and Thermal Concrete Core Activation for Heating and Cooling of Commercial Buildings

High energy savings can be expected from building energy and climate concepts which combinethe heat pump technology with a low temperature energy distributions such as concrete corewater pipe circuits within building zones. The paper describes two case studies of a heat pumpplant for heating and cooling of nonresidential buildings. For concept comparison purposes aglobal objective function will be developed in the frame of IEA-ECBCS Annex 48 and has beenpartially tested by using project constrains, thermal comfort expectations and lifecycle costs of thefoccused case studies.

Thermal Properties and Service Life of Vacuum Insulation Panels (VIP)

Highly efficient thermal insulation of the building envelope demands for layers up to 40 cm thickness.This often causes problems regarding architecture and loss of space, especially in building renovation.An attractive alternative is the recently introduced vacuum insulation panel (VIP) having a 5 to 8 timeslower thermal conductivity than conventional thermal insulation. Aging effects and service life arecrucial aspects of those high performance insulation systems, as gas permeation through theenvelope barrier may drastically reduce the insulation efficiency.

State of the Art of Double Skin Facades in Europe The results of WP1 of the BESTFAÇADE Project

The project BESTFAÇADE accumulated the state of the art of double skin façades in seven European countries (Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Portugal and Sweden). 28 façades of different buildings in all partner countries of BESTFAÇADE have been

SIMUBEMS: An educational tool on control techniques

This paper describes an educational tool developed at LASH ENTPE (France) laboratory. Theobjective of this tool, called SIMUBEMS, is to familiarize ENTPE students with control techniques andallows performing simulations in order to test heating and ventilation control strategies.An office building equipped with an HVAC system has been used to carry out the simulations. Themodelled zone is 9 m long, 6 m large and 2.5 m height and has large glazed faade.

Roadmap for Future Actions Regarding the Energy Performance of Existing Buildings

The EIE 2003 SAVE ENPER EXIST project ( aims to address the specificproblems of the existing buildings in the scope of the introduction of the Energy Performance ofBuildings Directive (EPBD).In this project a specific work package (WP4) aim to develop a long-term roadmap for definingpossible measures going beyond the EPBD allowing existing buildings to become more energyefficient.The main objectives of the task are:- To give an overview of possible legal measures for existing buildings with illustration byavailable examples and pr

Regulation of Temperature by Phase Change Materials

Important properties of the indoor air quality are temperature and humidity. Very often in new and oldbuildings the temperature is too high or varies too strongly. A suspended ceiling with phase changematerials has a good influence to avoid too high indoor air temperatures. An additional heat exchangerat the outside of the building can increase the efficiency of the system by working in the night andcooling down the phase change material, so that after this cooling the full heat storage capacity isattainable.

Quality and Efficiency of Office Lighting

The use of artificial lighting in the office buildings has significant contribution on total energyconsumption of the building. With the increase in the price of energy and public becoming moreenergy conscious, more attention has been given to the energy efficient lighting.

Pythagoras Project: Development of an innovative training package on Indoor Environment Quality

The aim of the Pythagoras project is the development and assessment of Greek national trainingmaterial in the sector of indoor environmental quality. The need for education in this specific sector isdictated by the significant indoor environment deterioration and associated health hazards, which arecaused by low ventilation levels, combined with the use of many modern building materials thataggravate pollutants emissions.
