Low Exergy Systems for High-Performance Built Environments

It is often claimed that energy is consumed, not only in everyday conversation but also in scientificdiscussions associated with energy and environmental issues. This claim conflicts with the first law ofthermodynamics stating that the total amount of energy is conserved, even though forms of energymay change from one to another.

Integration of Active Solar Thermal Collectors with Coloured Absorbers in Façades

Even if the quality and durability of active solar systems equipments are henceforth ensured, there arestill some considerable barriers to the development of their market, in particular their architectural andtechnical integration to the buildings. Our research aims at studying, designing and realizing astructural component of building ensuring in a permanent and integrated way the set of functionsnormally provided by elements of faade and by thermal liquid-cooled collectors. The product isintended to be distributed and implemented by building professionals.

Indoor Hygrothermal Loads in Estonian Dwellings

This paper analyzes the indoor hygrothermal loads measured in 27 detached houses and in 13apartments. A survey was conducted during the years 2003-2006 in Estonia. The temperature andrelative humidity (RH) were continuously measured in bedrooms, living rooms, and outdoors at onehour intervals. For the hygrothermal analysis, the determined design curve of the moisture excess forhouses with low occupancy on the higher 10 % critical level was +4 g/m3 during the cold period(Tout ? +5 C) and +1.5 g/m3 during the warm period (Tout ? +15 C).

Increased Energy Efficiency and Improved Comfort

This paper summarises the work of the LowEx co-operation /1/. The aim was to promote rational use ofenergy by encouraging the use of low temperature heating systems and high temperature cooling systems ofbuildings. These systems can use a variety of fuels and renewable energy sources. Energy is used efficientlywhile providing a comfortable indoor climate. Exergy defines the quality of energy and is a concept fordesigning and assessing different heating and cooling systems. Application of exergy analysis into buildingshas not been common before.

Impact of Transient Effect on Thermal Performance of Dynamic Insulated Wall

This paper presents an analysis of the transient thermal performance of dynamic insulation. A modelbased on heat transfer through porous media is introduced, considering two types of boundaryconditions: (1) indoor temperature and outdoor temperature are constant; (2) indoor temperature isconstant while outdoor temperature changes. By solving the model numerically, it is found that for thefirst kind of boundary condition, the temperature profile in the wall will reach steady-state within onehour, when the porosity is high.

High Lighting Quality Targets with Minimum Electric Power Density: Results of Experimentation

We have conducted a campaign of testing efficient lighting installations during 6months in the area of Lyon, France. 26 work places were tested, each of them with aspecific lighting scheme. The goal was to identify directions in preferred lightingschemes requiring less electrical power. Users could adjust their lighting conditionsthanks to different control systems : dimmer, daylight and occupancy sensors,separate ambient/task luminaires.

Experimental Investigation of Thermal Behaviour of Phase Change Materials under Dynamical Thermal Effects

Because we spend most of our time in enclosed spaces, thermal comfort of buildings rose increasinglyand then energy consumption correspondingly is increased, aggravating the pollution of naturalenvironment. Integrating phase change materials (PCM) into building walls is a potential method ofreducing energy consumption in passively designed buildings. However, there is a strong need forexperimental data to evaluate the capacity of PCM to stabilize the internal environment when there areexternal temperature changes and solar radiations: that is the purpose of our article.

Exergy Use in the Built Environment Basics and Analyses

It is often claimed that energy is consumed; this is not only done in everyday conversation but also inscientific discussions associated with energy and environmental issues. This claim conflicts with thefirst law of thermodynamics stating that the total amount of energy is conserved, even though forms ofenergy may change from one to another.

Energy Saving Measures in Existing Buildings in Denmark

Denmark has long experience with mandatory labelling of existing buildings. In the implementation ofthe new labelling scheme in relation to the Energy in Building Performance Directive special focus hasbeen on optimizing the actually realised energy savings.

Energy Efficient Lighting Solutions

The IEA, section ECBCS (Energy Conservation in Buildings and Community systems), has launched the project Annex 45 ‘Energy Efficient Electric Lighting for Buildings’, of which subtask B deals with innovative technical solutions. Part of the work is to def
