Denmark has long experience with mandatory labelling of existing buildings. In the implementation ofthe new labelling scheme in relation to the Energy in Building Performance Directive special focus hasbeen on optimizing the actually realised energy savings. To support this there is strong links betweenthe recommendations in the energy label and the requirements in the building regulations on energyimprovements in case of renovation.The new energy requirements in the Danish building regulations includes a requirement to performcost efficient energy saving measures to the specific component in the case of renovation of roof,renovation of climate shield on external walls, renovation or change of windows, installation of a newboiler or change of heat supply. This requirement is not limited to large building as multi family orcommercial buildings, but is also a requirement to small buildings as single family houses. Newly theDanish government has made an agreement with the energy suppliers on delivering part of the Danishnational energy saving target as documented energy savings as result of energy saving actionsrelated to there costumers e.g. energy saving campaigns or financing extraordinary energy efficientequipment.
Energy Saving Measures in Existing Buildings in Denmark
Bibliographic info:
27th AIVC and 4th Epic Conference "Technologies & sustainable policies for a radical decrease of the energy consumption in buildings", Lyon, France, 20-22 November 2006