Himanen, M.; Järvi, T.
Bibliographic info:
Proceedings CLIMA 2007 - Wellbeing Indoors (10-14 June Helsinki)

Energy efficient behaviour was studied by a questionnaire addressing office workersaltogether in 34 office buildings in Finland, Sweden, the Netherlands, France and Italy. AFinnish occupancy study of the possibilities to adjust working environment and thus gainbetter working efficiency offered comparative reference results on similar themes.The possibility to control personal working environment was most important for the officeworkers. The qualitative building automation had a positive influence on the feedbackregarding workspaces. Control possibilities which take account of the dominant nature of thenature of work at workplaces demand for different solutions even on the same office floor.The gender differences dominate in the attitudes towards the environmental design, towardsthe control possibilities in particular. While the occupancy studies turned out to be a feasibleasset for identifying the technical qualities, equalling the physical measurements, should thefacilitation of workplaces follow the different needs of the female and male workers forsatisfactory enduserfeedback? The performance of building service and automationinstallations should be separated from other strongly influencing work organisational factors.