Because we spend most of our time in enclosed spaces, demand in thermal comfort ofbuildings rose increasingly and then energy consumption correspondingly is increased,aggravating the pollution of natural environment. Integrating phase change materials (PCM)into building walls is a potential method of reducing energy consumption in passivelydesigned buildings. A wallboard new PCM material is experimentally investigated in thispaper to enhance the thermal behaviour of light weight building internal partition wall. Theexperiments are carried out in a full-scale test room MINIBAT (3.10m x 3.10m x 2.50m)which is completely thermally controlled. The external temperature and radiative flux fromspotlights dynamically simulate a summer and mid-season repetitive days. The tests concernwalls with and without PCM material under the same external conditions. The PCM allowsreducing the room air temperature fluctuations, in particular when overheating occurs.
Full-scale experimental investigation of room wall containing phase change materials wallboard
Bibliographic info:
Proceedings CLIMA 2007 - Wellbeing Indoors (10-14 June Helsinki)