Changes of summer air temperature during the last 28 years in Athens

The increase of living standards in buildings andhigh summer maximum air-temperature valuesduring the last years have increased the installationof A/C in buildings. Analysis of the summerambient temperatures is thus necessary toinvestigate the important impact on energy consumption.Ambient temperature data from theNational Observatory of Athens station for theperiod 1977 - 2004 are presented.

The implementation in practice of the EPBD: actual status and the services provided by the EPBD Buildings Platform

The Energy Performance of Buildings Directive(EPBD) lays down requirements as regards:- the general framework for a methodology ofcalculation of the integrated energy performanceof buildings;- the application of minimum requirements onthe energy performance of new buildings;- the application of minimum requirements onthe energy performance of large existingbuildings that are subject to major renovation;- energy performance certification of buildings;and- regular inspection of boilers and of airconditioningsystems in buildings and in additionan assessment of the heating installationin which

Thermal Comfort in a Naturally Ventilated Office Building in Karlsruhe, Germany – Results of a Survey

In order to compare measurements and subjective votes on thermal comfort in a nonconditionedindoor environment under German climate conditions, a field survey was carriedout in an office and laboratory building in Karlsruhe during July 2005. Over a period of 4weeks 50 subjects filled in questionnaires twice a day every Tuesday and Thursday and accompanyingmeasurements were carried out at the workplaces.

Application of Hybrid Ventilation System using the Balcony Space in Apartment Housing

Recently, the ventilation for the removal of pollutants has received much attention in responseto the increased needs for the health and better comforts of the occupants in apartmenthousing. To provide constant ventilation air flow, constant airflow mechanical ventilationsystem is predicted to be installed, and the installation of such mechanical system would leadto many problems.The purpose of this study is to evaluate application of hybrid ventilation system using thebalcony space in apartment housing.

Numerical Study on a Hybrid System by Using a Portable Air Conditioner

This paper presents a new design concept of hybrid air conditioning system by using aportable air conditioner to achieve a better personal control of indoor environment withoutsacrificing the responsibility to a sustainable environment. The results of the detailedcomputational flow dynamics (CFD) simulation in this study, through a systematic analysison the parameters of wall opening, outdoor wind speed and temperature, show that with anappropriate design of wall openings, this hybrid system can sustain a comfortableenvironment until affected by strong wind blast.

Performance Estimation of Window-Mounted Solar Heat Driven Ventilation System by Numerical Analysis

This research proposes a simple device added to a window. The device improves indoorventilation using solar heat. It made from shoji paper, which is the traditional paper of Japan.The structure of the device is five air layers from five partitions of shoji paper. The deviceprovides insulation. In summer, it is used for ventilation. In winter, it is used for insulation atnight. Experiments were conducted with the device, and the ventilation performance andthermal insulation were confirmed. This paper reports the results of a numerical analysis ofthe device installed in a building model.

Ventilation Potential: Examining the Effects of Growing Densification in the Tropics

The density of Dhaka is increasing exponentially, and with it the demand for residentialaccommodation. Rapid densification is increasing hard surfaces and changing the urbantexture, thereby escalating heat absorption. This intensifies dependency on valuableconventional energy resources, for thermal comfort.Research shows that regional climatic data differs markedly from localised microclimaticeffects within the built environment. In built-up residential areas of the city there is the lack ofnatural wind flow, one of the most important ingredients for comfort during the warmmonsoons.

Exterior Climate and Building Ventilation

The article shows methods for wind influence on building ventilation systems analysis.Solution has been carried out through the experiment in wind tunnel as well as by CFDmodelling. Mean pressures and pressure variations have been measured on the model surfacewith respect of the ventilation intake and exhaust usual situating, with height of the roofparapets modification. The experimental results was presented by pressure coefficients-outputis possible convert to different boundary conditions. The wind effect was analysed in differentwind direction.

Thermal Comfort Measurements in a Hybrid Ventilated Office Room

Global climatic warming trends are becoming more and more obvious. They are characterizedby longer and more intense heat wave periods as witnessed in extreme by the summers 2003and 2006. This situation asks for mechanical cooling applications in office buildings. Is itpossible to reach good indoor environmental conditions using hybrid ventilation strategiesonly? This question has been investigated by measurements in the Forum Chriesbach, a newlow energy office building located in Dbendorf, Switzerland.

Natural Ventilation System for a School Building Combined with Solar Chimney and Underground Pit

The specific features of natural ventilation system combined with solar chimney andunderground pit installed in a new school building and the measured results for four years aredescribed. In summer and intermediate seasons outside air is introduced into the building offour stories through underground pit from the intake provided in the north end, brought intothe different occupied rooms from which the room air is discharged to outside through thesolar chimneys of 8 meters high above the roof by chimney action or pulling out action bywind.
