This research proposes a simple device added to a window. The device improves indoorventilation using solar heat. It made from shoji paper, which is the traditional paper of Japan.The structure of the device is five air layers from five partitions of shoji paper. The deviceprovides insulation. In summer, it is used for ventilation. In winter, it is used for insulation atnight. Experiments were conducted with the device, and the ventilation performance andthermal insulation were confirmed. This paper reports the results of a numerical analysis ofthe device installed in a building model. The difference of climate regions and direction of thebuilding were considered in the numerical analysis. The amount of ventilation and the roomtemperature of the building in six regions were confirmed.
Performance Estimation of Window-Mounted Solar Heat Driven Ventilation System by Numerical Analysis

Bibliographic info:
Proceedings CLIMA 2007 - Wellbeing Indoors (10-14 June Helsinki)