The issue of sustainability has been prevailed not only in building industry but also all otherindustries. It has been raised that the concept of green building system should be taken intoaccount for the design of buildings. This study is to understand characteristics of the greenbuilding system and find the solution of urban problems. Now, over 60% people all over theworld live in urban areas, and their communities continue to expand. Pollution and otherhazards also tend to accumulate in urban areas. Accordingly, the problems of urbanenvironment are true microcosms of environmental afflictions happening on a global scale.Most of urban problems are caused by human and their buildings. This study was conductedby two ways. One is assessment of energy, and the other is water cycle. Energy and water isalso typical factors of urban problems. To solve the urban problems, we must change or shiftthe wrong circulating systems on (buildings) micro scale. The object building is a recentlydesigned as an environmental-friendly building in Korea that has eco-systems. (as earth-berm,thermal labyrinth, concrete core cooling, soil energy, water-recycle, etc.) Furthermore,comparing eco-system to normal system, difference of energy saving between eco-system andnormal system were analyzed by calculation of exergy-entropy of the energy and watercycling system. Consequently, control of micro-environment (the consumption-dischargebalance of the energy and the water) in buildings is a key of urban problem solution
A Study on The Energy And Water Circulating System Shift by The Ecosystems of Buildings

Bibliographic info:
Proceedings CLIMA 2007 - Wellbeing Indoors (10-14 June Helsinki)