This study is based on the analysis of approximately1000 questionnaires, which include informationabout the incomes, the oil and electricityconsumptions as well as characteristicslinked to the type, the size, the existing thermalinsulation materials and the indoor air temperaturesof the buildings.The data were normalised according to theoutdoor air temperature as well as according tothe surface area of the building. Then an attemptto correlate the two investigated parameterswith income was made.At first four different building categorieswere considered (non-insulated apartments, insulatedapartments, non- insulated detachedhouses, insulated detached houses). Followingthis categorisation, it is evident that a better approachcan be achieved considering exponentiallaws.
On the relation between income, electricity and oil consumption for different types of houses in Athens
Bibliographic info:
Energy Performance and Environmental Quality of Buildings, International Workshop (EPEQUB 2006), Milos Island, Greece, 6 & 7 July 2007