Papaglastra, M.; Santamouris, M.; Mouriki, E.; Mihalakakou, G.; Matthopoulos, D.; Deligiannakis, I.; Tsezos, V.; Doulka, E.; Geranios, A.; Papadopoulos, A.; Giama, E.; Aristotelis, A.; Stravakakis, G.; Nicolaou, T.; Kolokotsa, D.
Bibliographic info:
Energy Performance and Environmental Quality of Buildings, International Workshop (EPEQUB 2006), Milos Island, Greece, 6 & 7 July 2007

The aim of the Pythagoras project is the developmentand assessment of Greek national trainingmaterial in the sector of indoor environmentalquality. The need for education in thisspecific sector is dictated by the significant indoorenvironment deterioration and associatedhealth hazards, which are caused by low ventilationlevels, combined with the use of manymodern building materials that aggravate pollutantsemissions.Early in the project, a review is undertaken ofthe international literature and the syllabuses offoreign research and educational institutions activein indoor environment quality issues. At thesame time, the requirements of the Greek educationaland broader society, related to issues ofindoor pollution and health, are determined. Atraining methodology is consequently developed,with the objective to optimally cover allthe parameters associated with the indoor environmentquality, for trainees of various disciplines.The training material is produced both inprinted (book) and integrated electronic (elearning)format. Additionally, four seminarsare organized covering the respective sectionsof the training package. The training package isbeing assessed both by the trainees but also byinternational experts in the sector of indoor environmentquality.