Natural and mixed ventilation design via CFD and architectural modeling

Numerical simulations and computational fluid dynamics can be usefully integrated with architectural modeling, providing designers with a powerful single CFD based architectural modeling and design framework. This framework can be interfaced with the building thermal performance modeling, integrating further fully thermal and flow domains within the architectural modeling.

A comparative study of the thermal performance of reflective coatings for the urban environment

This paper presents the results of a comparative study aiming to investigate the effect of reflective coatings on lowering surface temperatures of buildings and other surfaces of the urban environment, and thus test their suitability to lower ambient temperatures and fight the heat island effect. In total, 14 types of reflective coatings on surfaces of the urban environment were studied, from August to October 2004.

A matrix tool for assessing the performance of intelligent buildings

Techniques and technologies for use in designing, constructing and operating intelligent buildings are well known or available on the market and many intelligent buildings have been built. However, just how intelligent these buildings actually are in comparison to conventional buildings is often a question. Due to the lack of a commonly accepted method and pertinent supporting data, the assessment of the overall performance of intelligent buildings cannot be carried out.

Assessing the thermal environment of major cities in Greece

Satellite images in the thermal infrared can be used for assessing the thermal urban environment as well as for defining heat islands in urban areas. In this paper, the thermal environment of major cities in Greece (Athens, Thessaloniki, Patra, Volos and Heraklion) is examined by using satellite images provided by the Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM+) sensor on board Landsat 7 platform corresponding to daytime and warm period, when the surface urban heat island (UHI) phenomenon is best observed.

Natural cooling systems in sustainable traditional architecture of Iran

This paper concentrates on the results of sustainability caused by natural cooling systems in Iranian traditional architecture of hot-arid regions. Sustainability in architecture means conserving constructions for the future, in terms of physical durability planet protect conserving on energy resources. In this case, it seems that sustainability would be based on the introduction productive models in which available materials and resources are used more efficiently, rather than being ignored.

Bioclimatic design of a residential complex for the elderly

Traditionally, a home for the elderly aimed exclusively at the accommodation and care of people of the 3rd and 4th age. In a modern and continuously evolving society, how this can remain stagnant? This design, which was presented as a diploma design work at the Architecture Department of the University of Patras, constitutes a new idea, a revision and redefinition of the meaning of a home for the elderly. A strong emphasis is placed on modern way of life and how this can influence the needs of old people and be influenced by them.

Passive downdraught evaporative cooling applied to an auditorium

The performance of a passive cooling system was evaluated as part of design works for the project of an auditorium. The passive cooling system uses the atmosphere as natural heat sink and incorporates a solar chimney together with an evaporative cooling tower. The natural ventilation is enhanced with the help of the solar chimney and fresh air is cooled down by passive downdraught evaporative cooling. The application of this system to the acclimatization of an auditorium was evaluated.

Environmental sustainable Iranian traditional architecture in hot-humid regions

This paper concentrates on the results of sustainability caused by climatic elements in Iranian traditional architecture in Hot-Humid regions. In a vast country such as Iran, with different climatic zone, traditional builders have presented a series of logical solutions for human comfort. The aim of this research is to demonstrate traditional architecture in Mild-Humid climate of Iran as a sample of sustainable architecture. Sustainability in architecture means conserving constructions for the future, in terms of physical durability planet protect conserving on energy resources.

The air infiltration and ventilation center: The history and technical program of IEA Annex V

The Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre is operated under Annex V of the Energy Conservation in Buildings and Community Systems implementing agreement of the International Energy Agency. The primary objective of the AIVC is to provide a high quality international technical and information forum covering the areas of ventilation and air infiltration in the built environment with respect to efficient energy use, good indoor air quality and thermal

Indoor environment for energy performance of buildings – a new European draft standard

European Directive for Energy Performance of Buildings was approved in the beginning of 2003. The transition period is 3-6 years depending of the article. European Standardisation Organisation (CEN) has drafted several standards to help the member countries implementing the directive. One of these is the Criteria for the indoor environment including thermal, indoor air quality (ventilation) light and noise. The standard specifies design values of indoor environment, values to be used in energy calculations, and methods how to verify the specified indoor environment in the buildings.
