An Investigation into Effect of Air Distribution on the Indoor Air Quality

The air distribution is a realizing form of indoor flow field, which plays a vital role to indoor air quality in the design of Heating,Ventilation and Air Conditioning. The average temperature and air speed in working area are closely related to air distribution, and the main factors that affect such two indices are the form, position, quantity of air outlet as well as the velocity, temperature of air supply. This article discusses the effect of air distribution on indoor air quality.

Analysis of effectiveness of personalized ventilation

Analysis of operation of a prototype system for local air-conditioning of working places, named PERMICS-LOS1 (Personal Microclimate System) was made based on measurements of air velocity field, using a hot-wire anemometer and of tracer gas concentrations with decay method. The emphasis of the experimental analysis was on design and effectiveness of the air terminal device in terms of air distribution using also visualization technique.

Taking flexibility into account in designing beam systems

In a modern office environment, balance is sought between working as individuals and the interaction between employees. It must be possible to appropriately combine various work methods, which means that partition walls and workstations should be flexibly adaptable, in order to best match the business model of each customer. The adaptability of office space is one of the central premises in designing a beam system. The systems must adapt to changed loads and partition wall locations.

A Study of Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality in Hospitality Venues Where Smoking is Allowed

Ventilation is an effective method of introducing air into and moving air through buildings to achieve indoor air quality that is comparable to outdoor air quality. However, questions have recently been raised about the effect of ventilation on indoor air quality in hospitality venues where smoking is allowed. Dilution and removal of particles and gasses from various sources within a building and controlling temperature and humidity are the primary reasons for ventilation. Some of the first mechanical ventilation systems were designed to control particles and gasses from tobacco smoke [1].

Air- tightness measurements of forty residential houses in Athens, Greece

Regular air tightness and infiltration measurements were performed in forty houses, in the area of Attica, Greece. Two measurement methods were used, the tracer gas decay method and the Blower Door tests method. Blower Door measurements were done in accordance with EN ISO 13829 [1]. Ambient conditions and temperature fluctuations inside the houses were measured as well.

Infiltration simulation in a detached house – empirical model validation

This study discusses the empirical validation of a multi-zone infiltration model of an existing two-storey detached house in the cold Finnish climate. Empirical validation was performed by comparing simulated and measured pressure conditions of the building during a three-week test period in the heating season. The simulations were carried out using a dynamic simulation tool, IDA-ICE, which combines whole-building energy simulation and infiltration modelling.

The performance of ventilation systems in apartment buildings

In Finland 12 apartment buildings were investigated as a part of European project HOPE. There were one building with passive stack ventilation with fan assisted exhaust air ventilation, four buildings with mechanical exhaust ventilation only and seven buildings with mechanical supply and exhaust air ventilation system. Altogether 600 questionnaires were returned. Modern passive stack ventilation system with separate exhaust fans in kitchen and bathroom did not assure sufficient ventilation even in March when ventilation rates and CO2-levels were measured.

Influence of occupants on the energy use of balanced ventilation

In this paper we give an overview of the ways occupants use ventilation systems and describe the results of interviews conducted in households equipped with balanced ventilation. An attempt is made to quantify the effects of occupant behaviour on the final energy use of the household for heating. This energy use is studied for several behaviour scenarios, leading to the conclusion that occupant behaviour may easily reduce the predicted savings to zero, or even may increase the energy use when compared to natural ventilation.

Building leakage, infiltration and energy performance analyses for Finnish detached houses

This study focuses on the correlation between the airtightness of a building envelope and the average infiltration and energy consumption of a typical modern Finnish detached house. The correlation between tightness and infiltration was determined using an empirically validated dynamic IDA-ICE simulation model of a two-storey detached house. The effect of wind conditions, Finnish climate conditions, balance of ventilation system and leakage distribution on infiltration were studied with the simulation model.

Impact of ventilation systems on energy and IAQ performance

The study aims at quantifying the impact of the retrofit of ventilation systems from the energy, IAQ (Indoor Air Quality) and health perspective. In a first part, the French market has been defined (number of each ventilation system installed in existing building). Both qualitative and quantitative studies of malfunctions noticed on ventilation systems have been made.
In a second hand, the influence of ventilation retrofitting on the building energy performance
has been evaluated. The impact of implementing innovative techniques (i.e. decreasing the fan
