A study of Variable Air Volume (VAV) systems in foundries

The focus on implementing cost efficiency energy efficiency measures will in all probability increase in the future, but it has been shown that trustworthy, site specific information are key features is increasing the adoption of such measures.This study shows that Building Energy Simulation (BES) software gives trustworthy predictions of energy use and average temperature in the studied case, making it possible to study different HVAC control strategies.

Account of Improved Ventilation Effectiveness

In this study, energy consumptions associated with the change in outdoor air flow rate areanalyzed based on numerical methods. By employing the concept of ventilation effectiveness,possible reductions in the outdoor air load through reductions in the amount of outdoor air flow rate has been estimated. In addition, the effects of optimizing the capacity of HVAC equipment on annual energy consumption and annual CO2 emissions have been analyzed.

Perceived Control of Stratum Ventilation

Current control strategies for central air conditioning typically adopt a machine-centered, energyconsuming approach that focuses on creating constant, uniform neutrality-conditions whichmight actually be perceived by some occupants as thermal monotony or sensory deprivation.There are needs for more sophisticated and responsive environmental control strategies,enhanced levels of thermal comfort and acceptability among occupants.

Conceptual analysis of Intensive Care Room with Computational Fluid Dynamics

Since 2005, the Leiden University Medical Center started the building of the new departmentof children Intensive Care (IC). Several types of geometry have been planned in the department, In order to minimize the cost and get the most applicable result, an IC room with two beds in serial has been chosen for the detailed aerodynamic study. The CFD model of the IC room with two beds in serial is studied. The CFD model will split the whole room as many small mesh elements to fulfil the conservations of mass, momentum and energy.

Whole Building CFD Simulation of a Swedish Low-Energy Building

When taking measures to increase energy effectiveness it is important not to deteriorate theindoor climate. In the present study a Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) model was builtto investigate temperature and airflow patterns in a Swedish low-energy building. A full-scalemodel of the house has been generated in the commercial code Icepak 4.1. The commercialCFD code Fluent 6.2.16 is used for the numerical solution. The RNG k-e model is used asturbulence model.

Thermodynamic Modeling and Optimization of Air Handling Units

Air handling unit (AHU) is defined as a self-contained unit that the conditions of air vary while passingthrough it and reach to the desired temperature and humidity. To perform variations in weatherconditions various processes such as heating, cooling, humidification, dehumidification and mixing are applied. In this research thermodynamic modeling and mathematical optimization of air handling units approaching minimum energy consumption is achieved. The objective function for optimization is pressure drop of air crossing coil per cooling and heating load of the system.

Field Testing of Data Driven Multizone Model Calibration Procedure

Field tests of a proposed efficient air flow model calibration method were performed on twoclassroom/office buildings. Models developed using CONTAM multizone software were tuned via an iterative procedure that sought to maximize the fraction of correctly predicted interzonal flow directions. Site measurements during a concentrated period of testing, including HVAC air flows, envelope leakage, and site weather data were used to update the multizone models.

An Analysis of Environmental Performance and Improvement of the Envelope for High-Rise Residential Buildings

Due to high-rise residential buildings and extension of balcony, to resolve discomfort ofindoor-environment and the problem which energy consumption increases, high-riseresidential buildings, coming natural ventilation and decreasing expense of an airconditioningsystem., enable envelope system to be developed.The object of this study is to present the improvement on envelope of high-rise residentialbuildings to reduce heating and cooling load.

Workers' Behavior and Thermal Sensation in Task-conditioned Office

Field survey in the M-Office which installed Task/ambient conditioning systems (hereinafterreferred to as the TAC) was conducted in 2005 and 2006. It was intended to investigate theinfluence of the worker's behavior and task-conditioning to workers comfort sensation. Inthis survey, immediately thermal environment and workers behavior were measured, andquestionnaire to occupants who worked as usual were conducted. We found that both activitylevel of occupant and exposed thermal environment is greatly different one by one.

Providing better indoor environmental quality brings economic benefits

This paper summarizes the current scientific evidence that improved indoor environmentalquality can improve work performance and health. The review indicates that work and schoolwork performance is affected by indoor temperature and ventilation rate. Pollutant source removal can sometimes improve work performance. Based on formal statistical analyses of existing research results, quantitative relationships are provided for the linkages of work performance with indoor temperature and outdoor air ventilation rate.
