Migration of volatile organic compounds from attached garages to residences : A major exposure source

15 single-family houses with attached garages in southeast Michigan have been investigated for that study whose aim was to characterize VOC concentrations, exposures, airflows, and source apportionments.39 VOC species were detected indoors, 36 in the garage, and 20 in ambiant air. Garagz/indoor ratios and multizone IAQ models show that nearly all of the benzene and most of the fuel-related aromatics in the houses resulted from garage sources. Their conclusion are presented.

An evaluation of the indoor air quality in bars before and after a smoking ban in Austin, Texas

Indoor air quality and occupancy levels were investigated in seventeen bars , before and after the smoking ban that took effect on September 1, 2005 in Austin, Texas. Number of occupants, number of lit cigarettes, temperature, relative humidity, room volume, PM 2.5, CO and CO2 concentrations have been measured for that study. Results and conclusions are presented.

The Engineering of Practical Gas Phase Air Cleaning

This is one of two CLIMA 2007 papers on gas phase air cleaning by this author. The Science of Gas Phase Air Cleaning’ covers aspects of air quality, gas phase air cleaning (particularly adsorption) limitations and opportunities, capital and energy saving

Ventilation conditions of different indoor environments in a university

Limited data exist on indoor air and environmental quality (IEQ) in schools, and how IEQ affects students’ health or performance in China. Research was conducted in different types of indoor environments in a university to explore possible relationship. I

Ventilation and building related symptoms

Due to criteria for building energy efficiency today’s buildings are better insulated and the envelope is more air tight. These improvements have led to a more comfortable buildings and lower running costs. However, the new indoor environments are more de

Smoke removal in uni-storey smoke control system

There is pronounced interest of engineers in new systems for storey smoke control system.The operational principle of this system is based on independent smoke removal from each storey. Independent ducts with fans and outlets are built for each floor of the building. For this approach it is important to safety remove smoke from the building. One of the proposed approaches is to use nozzle type outlets characterized with high flow and velocity to evacuate combustion products from the building.

Three-dimensional numerical simulation of a hybrid fresh air and recirculated air diffuser for decoupled ventilation strategy

For that paper, a new ventilation strategy is numerically simulated, this new approach consists in supplying fresh air directly by using high velocity circular air jet without mixing with recirculated air.Different angles of recirculated air diffuser blades, different lengths and directions of protruding fresh air jets are adopted along with different inlet velocities of fresh air to compare the effectiveness and efficiency of that new ventilation strategy numerically.

Improving indoor environmental quality for public health : impediments and policiy recommendations

In this paper, the authors describe health risks associated with indoor environments , then relevant policy issues in US and barriers to reduce IEQ risks are discussed, both through public policy and the marketplace. In the end, policy recommendations are provided on how to overcome these barriers to achieve healthier home environments.

Comparison of large eddy simulation predictions with particle image velocimetry data for the airflow in a generic cabin model

This paper presents a comparison of CFD predictions, using the large eddy simulation model (LES), with experimental data obtained with the particle image velocimetry technique (PIV). At all five monitoring locations, a good agreement was found between the LES predicted and the PIV measured velocity components. The main aim of the study was to analyze the temporal variation of the experimental data.

Indoor environmental quality in schools in relation to academic performance of students : Observations of potential contributors to poor IEQ

Results of a pilot study published by Shaughnessy et al. 2006, demonstrated a modest association between class room ventilation rates and student performance in math standardized test scores, and also a need for further studies with larger sample size and more comprehensive assessment of indoor environmental quality (IEQ). A new school district in the USA with approximately 50 schools has undergone a thorough assessment protocol and the data is currently being analyzed. This paper focuses on these data, specifically on observations of potential contributors to poor IEQ.
