Respiratory symptoms, asthma and allergen levels in schools - comparison between Korea and Sweden

Few studies have been published on comparison of allergen levels in schools in different parts of the world. The main aim of that study was to measure allergen concentrations in settled dust and in air samples collected in selected primary Korean schools and then to compare them with a similar one in Sweden. The second aim was to compare the reported symptoms among pupils in those schools by use of a questionnaire. Correlations between pet-keeping at home and allergen levels in the Korean classrooms were then investigated.

Indoor air quality in Michigan schools

The aim of this paper was to characterize selected IAQ parameters in a mid-size school district, then to assess the variability in polllutant levels between and within schools and to link pollutants to classroom activities, ventilation rates, and other factors.

Passenger evaluation of the optimum balance between fresh air supply and humidity from 7-h exposures in a simulated aircraft cabin

For that study a full-scale model of an aircraft cabin section inside a climate chamber has been investigated. A powerful experimental facility was provided for the exploration of issues associated with the cabin environment and the comfort of passengers and crew. A wide range of parameters and equipment have been explored. The investigations have shown that increasing aircraft cabin humidity by decreasing the ventilation flow rate of fresh outside air would not reduce SBS symptoms typical of the cabin environment.

Housing characteristics and indoor concentrations of nitrogen dioxide and formaldehyde in Quebec City, Canada

For that study, the determination of concentration of nitrogen dioxide and formaldehyde has been carried out in 96 homes in Quebec city. It appears that NO2 concentrations in homes were positively correlated with air change rates and elevated in homes equipped with gas stoves and Formaldehyde were negatively correlated with air change rates and significantly elevated in homes heated by electrical systems.

Effectiveness of personal ventilation system using relative decrease of tracer gas in the first minute parameter

On a prototype system for local air-conditioning named personal microclimate system (PERMICS), ventilation effectiveness was measured. A new parameter based on the relative decrease of tracer gas in the first minute of system operation has been introduced, its usefulness has been verified by simulation results from commercial CFD software. This new parameter makes possible quick measurements of the local efficiency of ventilation systems.

Field experiments on natural energy utilization in a residential house with a double skin façade system

The double skin façade proves to be an effective system in energy conservation in residential buildings. The temperature distribution, the thermal performance in the double skin space and its impact on air-conditioning load in rooms have been measured. Th

Prototype development of the roof top turbine ventilator powered by hybrid wind and photovoltaic energy

For that study, a prototype of the rooftop turbine ventilator powered by hybrid wind and photovoltaic energy is developed. For the investigation of the prototypes ventilation performance, a low-speed wind tunnel experiment is performed. The experimental results are presented, they indicate that the installation of an inner fan at low outdoor wind speed (0 and 5 m/s) increases the ventilation rate whereas its installation at high outdoor wind speed does not improve the ventilation rate.

Effect of ventilation rate on gradient of aerial contaminants in the confinement pig building

The aim of that study was to compare the aerial contaminants concentrations between the levels of ventilation rate on the one hand and to determine the variation pattern of aerial contaminants affected by the ventilation rate. Results and conclustions are presented.

Indoor and outdoor concentrations of PM 2.5 trace elements at homes, preschools and schools in Stockholm, Sweden

For that study, during nine 2-week periods, fine particles (PM 2.5) were sampled indoors and outdoors at 40 sampling sites located in Stockholm. The samples were analysed for elemental concentrations using X-Ray fluorescence (XRF) spectroscopy. The results and conclusions are presented.

Modelling the transmission of airborne infections in enclosed spaces

For that study, the Wells-Riley equation for modelling airborne infection in indoor environments is incorporated into a SEIR epidemic model - with a short incubation period - to simulate the transmission dynamics of airborne infectious diseases in ventilated rooms. Thanks to that model, the effect of the ventilation rate and the room occupancy can be examined and long-term impact of infection control measures can be assessed too.
