Air tightness and air leakages of new lightweight single-family detached houses in Estonia

This paper presents laboratory-measured performance of seven relatively new and large Fan-Filter Units (FFUs). Their performances are also compared to smaller FFUs previously tested. Wide variations in their energy performance were found, the use of a consistent evaluation method can generate a comparable FFU performance information. Recommendations ofr further investigations to improve energy efficiency of FFU applications are provided too.

On the transition from displacement to mixing ventilation with a localized heat source

For that study, the authors have investigated the steady state natural ventilation of a room heated at the base and consisting of two vents at different levels. In order to establish appropriate ventilation strategies for a room, they explored how the air flow rate and the internal temperature relative to the exterior vary as a function of the vent areas, the heat load and the vents position. It appears that the appropriate ventilation for a room in winter conditions is mixing ventilation, whereas displacement ventilation is more suitable for warmer external exposures.

Enhancement of natural ventilation rate and attic heat grain reduction of roof solar collector using radiant barrier

The experimental results on natural ventilation flow rate enhancement and attic heat gain reduction of a roof solar collector equipped with a radiant barrier are presented in that paper along with investigation, data analysis, comparison with a conventional roof solar configuration, conclusion.

Parametric analysis of alternative energy conservation measures in an office building in hot and humid climate

The aim of that paper was to investigate the impact of alternative energy conservation measures on energy requirements in office buildings in hot-humid climates. Different types of HVAC systems were selected and tested in a five-story office building in Saudi Arabia, and different feasible and practical operational energy conservation measures were evaluated using the energy simulation software of Visual DOE 4.0. Conclusions and recommendations are presented.

An approach to investigate and remedy thermal-comfort problems in buildings

A systematic approach is required to deal efficiently with thermal-comfort problems in buildings. The aim of that paper is to introduce an approach that allows thermal-comfort problems to be assessed, identified, treated systematically without wasting time and resources.

A study of the effect of heat source location in a ventilated room using multiple regression analysis

For that paper, a multiple regression analysis is applied to predict the room mean velocity on the one hand and to determine the most influencing parameters on the velocity, on the other hand. For four different heat source locations, more than 120 experiments were carried out in a test chamber. The influence of the environmental parameters were examined by two methods : a simple and a multiple regression analysis . The conclusions are presented.

Bayesian adaptive comfort temperature (BACT) of air-conditioning system in subtropical climate

This study argues that complaints about thermal discomfort by individuals should not be ignored and can be used to determine the temperature setting for a population in air-conditioned environment. Findings of a new notion of Bayesian adaptive comfort temperature (BACT) of air-conditioning system in humid and subtropical climate as in Hong Kong are reported.

Indoor air quality for chemical and ultrafine particle contaminants from printers

For that study, the air contaminations with VOCs, ozone and ultrafine particle were monitored in the indoor air of a room containing either a laser printer or ink-jet printer. The results confirm that an office or residential printer may be a source of indoor air contamination, with VOCs , particles but also ultrafine particles and other contaminants.

Sorption of VOCs on material surfaces as the deciding factor when choosing a ventilation strategy

For that paper, the interaction between different ventilation strategies, and the adsorption and desorption of volatile compounds on material surfaces in small test chambers was investigated. Nylon carpet was exposed in test chamber experiments to a mixture of toluene and a-pinene at two different dosing rates. The results and conclusions are presented.

Dispersion of gas pollutant in a fan-filter-unit (FFU) cleanroom

For that study a numerical simulation and experimental measurement of flow and concentration fields in a working fan-filter-unit (FFU) cleanroom has been conducted. The aim was to find out the unsteady concentration distribution of a leaking gas pollutant.The measured data were compared with the numerical results and the agreement was good.
