Thermal comfort investigation of naturally ventilated classrooms in a subtropical region

That study was performed in the Chinese Hunan University. During one month, thermal comfort was measured in 25 naturally ventilated classrooms equipped with ceiling fans. 1273 students responded to a questionnaire on their perception/sensation of the indoor climate. Most of them found thermal satisfaction though indoor air temperature and relative humidity varied a lot. The results are different from that found in other similar thermal comfort studies, it is attributed to the different climate and to the adaptation and tolerance of students too.

Characteristics and health impacts of volatile organic compounds in photocopy centers

For that study, personal and area samplings were conducted in 7 photocopy centers during summer and winter seasons in Taiwan. IAQ was investigated to evaluate the human health risk following inhalation exposure. Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, Xylenes, and Styrene (BTEXS) measurements were carried out. The lifetime cancer and noncancer risks for workers exposed to VOCs were assessed too. Results are presented.

Survey of unsatisfactory levels of airborne bacteria in air-conditioned offices

The level of indoor bacteria can be used as a referent to identify the performance of an HVAC system. For that study, a statistical model is proposed for the obtention of the office probable failure rate over a region. From a dataset of levels in 290 Hong Kong offices , model parameters have been determined. Another district survey in nine major Hong Kong commercial districts allowed the validation of the model. The comparison of the observed office failure rate of each district with the corresponding model estimate was carried out and consistent results were found..

Specific fan power - a tool for better performance of air handling systems

The electrical energy needed for ventilation fans and air handling units (AHU) plays an increasing role in the energy demand for buildings. Recent studies show that the electrical energy consumption can rather easily be reduced from the "traditional" level (between 5 and 10 kW/m3s) into a modern level (2 to 2,5 kW/m3s) with proper design and installation. Even lower levels are technically possible, but not yet widely economically feasible. Several countries have already set, either as requirements or as recommendations, maximum target values for SFP.

Numerical and experimental analysis of a passive room-dehumidifying system using the sorption property of a wooden attic space

The results of a passive room dehumidifying system using an existing attic space as a chamber, wood as a desiccant material, and optimized ventilation and solar energy for system operation, are reported in that paper. Numerical calculations, field measurements were carried out as well, in a test house in Japan over hot and humid summers in 2003 and 2004. The results and conclusions are presented.

HVAC and indoor thermal conditions in hospital operating rooms

For that paper, published standards and guidelines on design, installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance of HVAC installations in hospital operating rooms (Ors), indoor thermal conditions have been reviewed, and measured data from short monitoring of indoor thermal conditions with audit results and main characteristics of 20 Ors in 10 major Hellenic hospitals have been summarized. Results and conclusions are presented.

Numerical procedure for predicting annual energy consumption of the underfloor air distribution system

A numerical procedure, based on the coupling of two types of modeling (CFD simulation and dynamic cooling load simulation) is proposed in this article to predict annual energy consumption of the underfloor air distribution system. First the dimensionless temperature coefficient is defined in the UFAD system and obtained from CFD simulation. Then the temperature stratification input to the cooling load program ACCURACY is revised to calculate the updated supply and exhaust air temperatures for the final annual energy prrediction.

Field experiments on thermal comfort in campus classrooms in Taiwan

The results of the Ashrae methodology for thermal comfort study , applied in Taiwan, are presented in that paper. The field experiments were conducted in 10 naturally ventilated and 26 air-conditioned classrooms. 1294 questionnaires were fulfilled by individuals in seven universities. The results show that air temperature, air movement and mean radiant temperature have significant influence, whereas humidity has no statistical significance.

Air leakage measurement and analysis in duct systems

The aim of that paper was to study the energy loss related to air leakage in duct systems. The leakage measurement setup was produced according t NEN-EN standards and the evaluation of data has been conducted by using power law model. Measurements were made on single circular ducts, flanged joint rectangular ducts, circular beaded slip joint ducts and rectangular flanged and drive slip joint ducts. The results show that the most of air leakage is from the joints. The air leakage can be improved by about 50 % when using sealing gaskets.

Development of new and validation of existing convection correlations for rooms with displacement ventilation systems

In that study, the existing recommended correlations are validated in a full-scale experimental facility representing an office space. New correlations are developed as well, for floor surfaces. Validation results show that the floor convection correlations expressed as a function of volume flow rate are much stronger than the ones expressed as a function of a temperature difference between the surface and local air.
