For that study, a comparison of the energy use of a floor-supply displacement ventilation system in a large industrial workshop with that of a mixing ventilation system is made for five US climate regions. The energy use and the system performance varied with the locations. The displacement ventilation system can save energy in cooling mode, but has a lower capacity of dehumidification, so it is not recommended for use in humid regions.
This paper proposes a multil-input multi-output (MIMO) controller that control temperature and ventilation for multiple zones in a building with a model predictive control strategy (MPC). That controller meets the ventilation requirements of the ventilation rate procedure of Ashrae standard 62.1. Its performance are evaluated thanks to simulation-based experiments under four types of typical weather conditions. The results are satisfactory.
For that study a model on the thermal storage of the indoor goods was set up, then based on the thermal balance of the whole room, the temperature change model was founded. The coupled operation process of night ventilation and active cooling was simulated for a typical supermarket building in cold climate. The results show that the coupled operation leads to shorter operation time of active cooling and can save energy.
Few controllers have been tested on physical terms, their investigation has been limited to proposals and simulations. The construction and modeling of an experimental system for testing advanced HVAC controllers, is the aim of that paper. A simple integrated environment is created for data aquisition, controller design, simulation and closed loop controller implementation and testing. That environment is adequate for rapid prototyping of various controllers and control design methodologies.
This paper describes the attributes of simple and advanced naturally ventilated (ANV) buildings. Environmental design considerations in general and ventilation considerations in particular shape the architecture of ANV buildings. Three large educational buildings have been designed , two in UK, one near Chicago (USA), they represent successive evolutionary stages, from ANV to ANV with passive downdraught cooling, and finally ANV with HVAC support.
This paper deals with the monitoring and simulated thermal behavior of a passive solar school at the Northwest of La Pampa province in Argentina . The results of social-environmental surveys are presented. The monitoring has been carried out under normal conditions of use (heaters working because of students attendance) and during an unoccupied period during winter holidays. 90 % of heating energy savings are registered , compared to conventional schools.
The authors have developed an online model suitable for a zone equipped with a VAV unit , that can predict zone temperature with unknown parameters. Various validation experiments have been performed using a real-building test facility to examine the prediction accuracies for system outputs.
The authors present first some general observations of the efficiency of naturally ventilated buildings and discuss how advanced natural ventilation (ANV) buildings incorporating stacks can be turned into a temporal hybrid form, that combines passive and mechanical ventilation.
Then the design of a new library building, near Chicago, using a new hybrid ventilation concept despite the severe US climate is described in that paper.The performance of that building is illustrated using dynamic thermal modelling and CFD analyses.
A combined solar house with a solar chimney and a solar water collector is studied in that paper. To investigate natural ventilation in the solar house, theoretical analyses were carried out first, then compared with that in the individual chimney ventilation system under the same conditions. Results and conclusions are presented.
For that study, site measurements have been carried out on two different sites in vacant residential building blocks in Hong Kong to collect radon levels contained in the air within the buildings. The aim of those measurements is to find out the relationship between radon concentration and residential building designs. Building designs can influence the indoor environmental quality so the legislation regulating such designs has to be reviewed first.