CFD modelling of natural displacement ventilation in an enclosure connected to an atrium

That study demonstrated the capability of CFD to predict buoyancy-driven displacement natural ventilation flows in a single-storey space connected to an atrium. The CFD simulations were carried out with and without ventilation openings at the bottom of the atrium. The predictions agreed well with the analytical models and the experiments.

Effect of door opening on the performance of displacement ventilation in a typical office building

The investigation of the effect of the position of doors on performance of the displacement ventilation system was the aim of this paper. A validated CFD simulation was used. It appeared that doors can cause a lateral movement of airflow disrupting the convection effect the displacement ventilation system relies on.

A study of the effectiveness of passive climate control in naturally ventilated residential buildings in Singapore

A field measurement and computational energy simulations have been carried out for that study, to examine the effectiveness of commonly used passive climate control methods for naturally ventilated residential buildings in Singapore. Concerning building orientation, faade construction, special roof system and window shading device , their effect on thermal environment and cooling load have been studied. It appears that the most efficient method to reduce the room cooling load is to use the special roof system as thermal buffer.

Airflow analysis in an air conditioning room

In this paper, airflow analysis in an air conditioning room was carried out, in that aim a standard office room was taken up for simulation. temperature and velocity distribution over various virtual planes for different locations of the air conditioner blower were analyzed to achieve the maximum comfort for the occupant. That work can be extended to a more complex air conditioning system like in industries, hospitals, and huge shopping centers.

Aerosol penetration properties of an electret filter with submicron aerosols with various operating factors

The aim of this paper is to determine the effects of the use of an electret filter on aerosol penetration. Various factors such as particle size, aerosol charge state, face velocity, and relative humidity were examined to assess their effects on aerosol collection characteristics. The results presented demonstrate that the level of penetration through the electret filter increased with increasing face velocity and relative humidity but was not affected by the temperature and the aerosol charge appeared to exert the greatest influence on aerosol penetration.

Occupational exposure to nitrous oxide - The role of scavenging and ventilation systems in reducing the exposure level in operating rooms

The aim of that study was to assess the level of occupational exposure to nitrous oxide in operating rooms. Measurements were carried out during surgical procedures in 35 operating rooms in 10 different Polish hospitals equipped with different systems for ventilation and anaesthetic scavenging. Air was collected in Tedlar bags, and NO2 concentrations were analyzed by adsorption gas chromatography and mass spectrometry.

Environmental tobacco smoke in Finnish restaurants and bars before and after smoking restrictions were introduced

In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the restrictions of the Finnish Tobacco Act, concentrations of environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) have been measured before and after the amended Act entered into force. Establishments with a serving area larger than 100 m2 were selected for that study. The ventilation rate was measured twice in each site, during peak hours , the number of guests and cigarettes smoked were counted. Then the air samples were analyzed by thermodesorption, gas chromatography and mass spectrometry.

Natural ventilation of a building with heating at multiple levels

A theoretical and experimental modelling of a room with low and high level openings is described in this paper with heating distributed at multiple levels. The introduction of an intermediate opening is analyzed too.

Review of thermal comfort design based on PMV/PPD in cabins of Korean maritime patrol vessels

The authors focused on the evaluation of the optimal temperature in each cabin of the Korean maritime patrol vessels. Based on human factors, the optimum temperature was 23C in the wheelhouse and 29C in the accommodation. So 6 C of energy can be saved in case of PMV/PPD-based air conditioning.

Predictive models of control strategies involved in containing airborne infections

The objective of this paper was to develop a flexible mathematical model that could help to determine the best strategies for containing indoor airborne infections at the early stage of outbreak.The impact of engineering control measures combined with public health interventions was examined mathematicallyl.
