Casting fumes lower the air quality in foundries. So a local ventilation solution for the mould casting area was designed and dimensioned with CFD calculations. The most efficient solution appears to be a push-pull ventilation system. A prototype was built and tested in actual operation foundry. The capture efficiencies with push jet were determined by the tracer gas method, they varied between 40 and 80 % in function of the distance between the source and the exhaust.
The characterization of profiles and concentrations of emitted volatile organic compounds (VOCs) when essential oils evaporate indoors, is the aim of that study. Lavender, eucalyptus and tea-tree were tested on a nation-wide questionnaire survey. Specific aromatic compounds were sampled and analyzed by GC-MS. Particulate matters, CO, CO2, TVOCs were measured in real-time. The results show that only the PM level did not increase after the evaporating of the essential oils and high emissions of terpene were observed.
The investigations of IAQ and thermal comfort were performed by combining CFD simulation of the 3D air flow and a multi nodal humanbody thermo-regulation model. New characteristics of the three typical air distribution designs (mixed ventilation, displacement ventilation and personalised ventilation) are revealed in their results.
The aim of this paper was to investigate during working hours, atmospheric particle size distribution and number concentrations in three naturally ventilated offices and outdoors to study the indoor-outdoor atmospheric particulate matter relationships. It appears that construction activities in the vicinity, movement of people indoors, computer operation, environmental tobacco smoke, re-suspension, and meteorological conditions with respect to office orientation have a significant impact on indoor PM number concentrations.
The research of the frequency of risk factors for sick building syndrome in indoor working places in Istanbul was the aim of that study. A questionnaire was fulfilled by the employees of 50 non-governmental bank offices, and measurements were carried out. The results of findings of SBS are analyzed.
In this study, the subjective responses of office occupants with respect to indoor CO2 concentration allowed the evaluation of the acceptability of IAQ in air-conditioned offices in subtropical climates . CO2 concentrations were measured at 396 sample locations and occupants' responses were recorded by an electronic questionnaire.A logistic regression model described the overall acceptability of IAQ by all the occupants. The correlation with indoor CO2 concentration is shown.
In the second part of this paper the technique that allows the direct measurement of Q4 to reduce the uncertainty by a factor of three or more is described. The key factors are : measurement of Dp a short time before and after the pulse, choice of the shape and duration of the pulse, minimising the variation of Dp during the quasi-steady period. Example of measurements are presented and comparisons are made too between the new technique, the conventional steady one and a theoretical model. Results and conclusions are presented.
The uncertainties inherent in the determination of the low-pressure leakage of building envelope are examined in the first part of that paper. High pressure data (50 Pa) is a procedure currently used as a measure of the infiltration potential of an envelope. But in reality infiltration occurs at much lower pressures (4 Pa) so large uncertainties are inherent in the current procedures. A technique for direct measurement of Q4 could reduce the uncertainty by a factor of three or more.
A better ventilation is an important measure that can reduce the acute respiratory infections (ARI) linked to the biomass solid fuel smoke. In 200, an explorative study was carried out in 51 households selected, at random , in a health district in Burkina Faso. Improving indoor ventilation, along with the cooking devices and their location reduced the fraction of ARI for children under 5 years, but the higher reduction was achieved by cooking outdoors.
The aim of that paper is to investigate the mutual effect of local and overall thermal sensation and comfort in a displacement ventilation environment system in the tropics. For the experiments, 60 subjects were engaged in sedentary office work for 3 hours. They were exposed to three vertical air temperature gradients and three room air temperatures. The results and conclusions are presented.