High-performance retail store with integrated HVAC systems

A new all-electric retail store located in Montreal, Canada, incorporates several design features to maximize the interactions between various building components. The twostory, high-performance, "green" commercial building is the result of an integrated energy design process and features

Airflow management in a liquid-cooled data center

Electronics densification is continuing at an unrelenting pace at the server, rack, and facility levels. With increasing facility density levels, airflow management has become a major challenge and concern. Hot spots, air short-circuiting, and inadequate tile airflow are a few of the issues that are
complicating airflow management.
This paper focuses on a thermal management approach that simplifies facility airflow management in a cost-effective and efficient manner. Implementation of the technology was undertaken with the DOEs Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.

Coupling CFD and human body thermoregulation model for the assessment of personalized ventilation

For that study, three different personalized ventilation (PV) systems are investigated : the desk-edge-based PV, PV using a movable panel (MP) and chair-based PV, they all are able to lower human exposure to ambient room pollutants. To quantify their accommodation to individual thermal preferences a numerical method has been developed. The use of a numerical thermal maninkin (NTM) coupled with a human-body thermal regulation model appears to be a useful tool for the visualization of thermal comfort and ventilation effectiveness.

Tracer gas measurement of airflow rates in spaces with several air-handling units, recirculation, or large time constants.

The aim of this paper is to document an adapted methodology for the measurement of airflow rates provided by each unit, along with the inter-unit airflow rates and the global ventilation efficiency. A case study is presented. The most accurate method appears to be different for small and large recirculation ratios.

Evaluation of thermal comfort in slightly warm ventilated spaces in nonuniform environments

The objectives of this work are the analysis and the evaluation of the global thermal comfort and local thermal discomfort levels of an occupant submitted to a nonuniform airflow. The incident airflow, the airflow around the occupant, the occupants' surface skin temperatures and convection coefficient are characterized too. The results of the experimental tests are presented

Satisfaction with ventilation in open-plan offices : COPE field findings

A field study was conducted to investigate how the open-plan offices influence the occupant satisfaction. It is part of the Cost-effective Open Plan Environments project. Physical data and questionnaires were collected from nearly 8OO open-plan office workers and their workstations. That study provides an important step forwards in developing constructive recommendations for the design and operation of open-plan offices.

Modelling and control of the 3D spatio-temporal distribution of air temperature

This paper aimed at presenting the application of data-based mechanistic (DBM) modelling technique to control the temperature dynamics in a forced ventilated room. The laboratory test chamber is described along with the experiments conducted to examine the effect of the ventilation rate on the spatial temperature homogeneity.

Variation of ventilation performance with the intensity and the location of indoor momentum source

For the analysis of the variation of ventilation performance with the intensity and the location of indoor momentum source, a numerical study was conducted. Simulations were performed in the room with different occupancies and methods of air room diffusion in order to control the indoor air quality. Model descriptions, research methods and results are presented.

Ventilation and air-conditioning design for a commercial kitchen based on CFD simulation

For that study a CFD model has been developed. Its aim is to propose a design or an improvement plan of an intake and exhaust system and air-conditioning facility for a kitchen ventilation system. Couipled simulations of convection and radiation allowed the detailed analysis of airflow patterns. The conclusions drawn from the results of simulations are presented.

Radial jet predictions based on Computational Fluid Dynaics

This numerical study demonstrates the importance of buoyancy on the jet distribution in a ventilated room. The flow parameters are thus strongly affected in the occupied zone. 25 cases of diffuser locations were studied . For each simulation done in two-dimensions on a cylindrical computational grid, a critical Archimedes number was found at which the jet failed to attach to the ceiling.A relationship between the separation distance and the Archimedes number was shown.
