The preference for local air movement in the facial region during long-term exposure in the tropics

A group of 24 tropically acclimatized subjects were tested to explore the thermal and air movement perception after 90 minutes of facial exposure to local air movement, at different temperature conditions.The aim of that paper is to identify when human perception of thermal comfort reaches steady state and to study whether there is a preference for air movement after 90 minutes facial exposure to local air movement.

Effect of ventilation on perceived quality of air polluted by building materials - a summary of reported data -

In this paper the review of literature dealing with exposure-response relationships between the concentration of pollutants and the perceived air quality is done. The summary of the existing data shows the discrepancy in ventilation requirements to get a certain level of perceived air quality for emissions from different building products.

Study on the productivity in classroom (Part 1) - Field survey on effects of air quality/thermal environment on learning performance.

This paper reports the results of field measurements carried out in a classroom to evaluate the effect of the air quality and thermal environment on learning performances, with varying environmental conditions. Simulations in climate chamber were made too, but paper reports the results of the field intervention survey only.

Personalized HVAC system in a sustainable office building - Field measurement of productivity and air change effectiveness

For that study, experiments with task ambient conditioning systems (TAC) have been carried out, to investigate the effects on thermal comfort and productivity of workers. . With that system, a pressurized air is blown from the floor through outlets at the floor and near the desks.The air change efficiency of that system that provides fresh air at the occupants' breathing zone has been evaluated too, using SF6 tracer gas. Conclusions are presented.

Studies on formaldehyde removal rates of domestic air cleaners and the indoor concentration prediction

Domestic air cleaner are expected as one of the effective technique for the removal of chemical substances. In this study, the comparison with the prediction model is done, and the results proved that the accuracy of this predicting method is very high. The formaldehyde removal rates of the air cleaner with constant emission test were quantitatively determined.

How healthy is the bedroom ?

The bedroom is not an healthy place. Low air change rates are quite common. This paper describes the microclimate in a bedroom, focusing on the moisture balance, air flow patterns and house dust mite allergen. Home inspection and interviews resulted in a database . Experiments and results are presented.

Prediction infiltration factors in urban residences for a cohort study

Most epidemiological studies rely on outdoor concentrations for the estimation of exposures. This paper aims at identifying predictors of particulate matter infiltration using public databases and questionnaire data in the context of a prospective birth cohort study to assess the contributions of environmental, social and genetic factors for asthma etiology.The method, and results are presented.

French permanent survey on indoor air quality. Part 2 :Questionnaires and validation procedurre of collected data

Before conducting data analysis, the data collected through questionnaires must be validated. The three steps of that validation procedure are presented in this paper. The preliminary results are presented, that method appears simple and efficient.

French permanent survey on indoor air quality. Part 1 : Measurement protocols and quality control

For that national survey 567 French dwellings from 2003 to 2005 were investigated for IAQ measurements. The enormous collected data was associated to quality control system that operated before, during and after each measurement.

Evaluation of natural ventilation performance in two child-care centres in Denmark

This paper reports the findings of a pilot field study in two naturally ventilated child-care centres. Air temperatures, air velocities, turbulence intensity and air change rates were measured. The method and the results are presented
