The impact of sorption on perceived indoor air quality

That study has demonstrated that sensory evaluation is an effective tool for evaluating the impact of sorption on the acceptability of indoor air. For the experiments, samples of carpet and linoleum were used as pollution sources, and samples of painted gypsum board and Semai were used as "sorbents".The sensory panel was composed of different numbers of recruited students .To evaluate the impact of sorption on perceived air quality, the converted results were used in a simple mass balance model .

Free flow open space, climate and sustainability

There is a complex relationship within the disciplines needed to to produce and perceive architecture. In this paper the author proposes a methodology combining quantitative and qualitative methods of analysis of spatial composition.Spatial design theory can contribute to the development of sustainability and the reduction of energy consumption in architecture and building.

Study on the productivity in classroom (part 2). Realistic simulation experiment on effects of air quality/thermal environment on learning performance

A realistic simulation experiment was conducted on students in a climate chamber, the objective of the laboratory experiments was to evaluate the quantitative effects of the air quality and thermal environments on learning performance High-ventilation environment (all outdoor air) and low-ventilation environment (100 % returned air only) were tested. The results were consistent with those found with the field intervention survey.

Evaluation of ultra-violet photocatalytic oxidation for indoor air applications

Air cleaning technologies for VOCs are not well established. One of them is (UVPCO) ultra-violet photocatalytic oxidation technology , practically studied only in laboratory settings, where relatively high concentrations of only few VOCs were employed.
This paper reports an experimental evaluation of the performance of UVPCO devices under real or simulated-real indoor conditions where many VOCs are present at low concentrations.

SOLANOVA - Highly-Efficient Ventilation as a means to reach a healthy sustainable standard in retrofit of residential buildings

The main aim of the SOLANOVA project was to transfer the know-how of ultra low energy and passive houses to a sustainable retrofit of the huge stock of obsolete panel buildings in Eastern Europe. There were big controversies about the ventilation system to be adopted, the chosen soltin and justification are presented in this paper along with the first results.

Personalized HVAC system in a sustainable office building - Building design concept and HVAC system performance

A Task Ambient Conditioning (TAC) system has been adopted in a low-storey building of 20,000 m2 floor area in Tokyo suburb. That system, in conjunction with other design techniques such as double-skin glass and structural thermal storage system proved efficient to achieve comfortable personal work-environment with a reduced HVAC load.

Separation of zones with different indoor climate or contaminant level by proper ventilation design

Large spaces often have different usage requirements in the different parts of the room, and the ventilation system is rarely suited to obtain separate conditions in those spaces. In this paper various ways to obtain a virtual separation are discussed. Some promising results are obtained with CFD.

Particle size distributions and concentrations of airborne endotoxin using novel collection methods in homes during the winter and summer seasons

In that study sampling methods for airborne endotoxin are compared in order to find a standard method . The feasibility of liquid impingers and MOUDI (micro-orifice uniform deposit impactor) for airborne endotoxin collection was demontrated , then these methods were compared to the filter cassette sampling method and finally the performance of these sampling methods in variable realistic conditions was validated.

Achieving "excellent" indoor air quality in commercial offices equipped with air-handling unit - respirable suspended particulate

The feasibility of achieving ultra low respirable suspended particulates (RSP) in commercial offices without major modification of existing ventilation systems by enhancing the particulates removal effiiency of existing central ventilation systems was investigated . For that study , four types of filter were tested in a commercial building located the North shore of Hong Kong Island. The field observations show that indoor RSP can be lowered satisfactorily by the simultaneous filtration of outdoor air and return air.

Building health : an epidemiological study of "sick building syndrome" in the Whitehall II study

This study explores the role and significance of the physical and psychosocial work environment in explaining Sick Building Syndrome. In that aim cross sectional data on the physical environment of selected buildings were added to individual data from the Whitehall II study - an ongoing health survey of office based civil servants ( 4052 persons, aged 42-62 , working in 44 different buildings in and around London, participated ).
