Nevertheless the proven benefit of a cyclist helmet in preventing serious head injuries whena crash occurs, many cyclist still refuse to wear a crash helmet. The main reason for not wearing acyclist helmet is the sensation of discomfort encountered when wearing one. This paper evaluates and analyses - for the first time - both local and global temperature levels and moisture production in order to obtain insight in the interaction between both mechanism, as a response to differences in effort level, air velocity and air temperature, and how to improve its thermal comfort features.
The paper presents a method of designing thermal comfort conditions in a room with an UnderFloor Air Distribution system (UFAD). A two-phase algorithm is based on: a steady or unsteady heat and mass transfer theory in the first step of computation and thermal comfort calculation in the second step. This method is implemented as the computer program UFAD_NET.
A modified 65MN(Multi-Nodes) thermoregulation model is tested for the evaluation of the skin surfacetemperature distributions in each body part under solar radiation. The present model can be also applicable for the coupled analysis of CFD and radiation. Skin surface temperatures predicted by this model are compared with those by subjective experiments in the real scale experimental atrium under solar radiation. Predicted each skin surface temperature almost corresponds to that of subjective experiment with the accuracy around 1 degree Celsius difference.
To satisfy the optimal environment in agricultural buildings, much effort is made to controlventilation rate and indoor temperature. However, distribution of fresh air is equally important for animal performance and welfare. So far, no sensor is available to measure and to control airflow pattern continuously in a ventilated building. Therefore, an airflow pattern sensor was developed to measure the trajectory of a nonisothermal air jet in a building with a single or multiple air inlet(s).
Wind pressure measurements corresponding to the various configurations of a detached houseshould be conducted by wind tunnel tests using a comparatively large geometric scale model because a building of extremely small size is targeted.
Natural night ventilation is an energy efficient way to improve thermal summer comfort.Coupled thermal and ventilation simulation tools predict the performances. Nevertheless, the reliability of simulation results with regard to the assumptions in the input, is still unclear. Uncertainty analysis is chosen to determine the uncertainty on the predicted performances of natural night ventilation. Sensitivity analysis defines the most important input parameters causing this uncertainty. The results for a singlesided ventilation strategy in a single office are discussed.
In this paper a method to solve a design problem of hybrid ventilation system is proposedby building stack pressure around the ventilator using a flat bed, glass-shielded rectangular solarchannel. In support of this idea a CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) simulation based ontheoretical calculation is done. Here, natural convection and a k-e two-equation turbulence modelwere used together with the finite volume method.
This paper provides information of energy efficiency potential of Personalised Ventilation (PV) systems used in conjunction with a secondary Mixing Volume (MV) air-conditioning system in the tropics. The energy consumption and the acceptability of PV at selected combinations of indoor ambient temperatures of 26 C and PV air supply temperatures of 20 or 23 C, is compared with that of sole mixing ventilation in which the indoor air temperature was controlled at 23 C.
The IAQ characteristics and the corresponding health symptoms and thermal sensation of the occupants of child care centers in Singapore under 3 different ventilation strategies are reported. The 3 child care centers studied were centrally air-conditioned and mechanically (ACMV) ventilated (Case A), naturally ventilated (Case B) and hybrid (natural and air-conditioning) ventilated (Case C).
This paper refers to the use of natural ventilation in Portuguese urban housing stock. In order to assess the goodness of natural ventilation design rules defined in a new Portuguese standard, a research project is being carried out. The results of the measurements of temperature, humidity, flow rate in ducts and weather conditions taken at an apartment in Matosinhos are presented.