The paper presents a method of designing thermal comfort conditions in a room with an UnderFloor Air Distribution system (UFAD). A two-phase algorithm is based on: a steady or unsteady heat and mass transfer theory in the first step of computation and thermal comfort calculation in the second step. This method is implemented as the computer program UFAD_NET. Calculations can be executed alternatively: either under steady-state conditions mode for determining of air temperature, flow rate and thermal comfort, or under unsteady-state conditions mode for defining automatic control parameters for the HVAC system. The example of thermal comfort calculation for a typical room in a single-family house with UFAD system is described in the paper.
A Method of Designing Thermal Comfort Conditions in the Room with UFAD System

Bibliographic info:
RoomVent 2004, 9th international conference in University of Coimbra - Portugal, 5-8th september 2004, pp 6, 13 Fig., 3 Tab., 13 Ref.