This paper presents an overview of what is known related to particulate matter indoors. An information for understanding filtration is given along with the way how particles contribute to adverse health effects.
A literature review finds that observational studies have found a correlation between exposure to VOCs and asthma, whereas interventional studies did not manage to show it. This paper studies two hypothesis to explain that discrepancy in findings.
The hypothesis that there is a vertical variation in mobile source-related volatile organic compound (VOC ) concentrations in high-rise apartment buildings is examined in that paper.
The author advises a commitment to a philosophy of proactive preventive maintenance for home, apartment, school and commercial buildings. Preventive actions would result in considerable cost savings, and save building occupants from major health problems.
This paper analyses the quality level of CFD, different aspects of the boundary conditions of supply openings are considered allong with the prediction of wall jets by different turbulence models.
This paper is the presentation of the authors'work in the THADE project. Their objective has been to review legislation and guidelines on air pollution and air quality in European dwellings and outside Europe too.
The aim of this 24 months' project is to create a European network in the area of indoor air pollution with the listing of priority substances to be regulated indoors, recommendations, legislation... at world scale.
Fungi presence are often liked to the sick building syndrome. In this paper the authors describe two case studies on the role of fungi in the occurrence of SBS.
This document gives an overview of the work within the area of housing and health. It defines firstly what is healthy housing, then how housing impacts on health, and deals with a survey made in 8 cities in Europe.
This paper presents a numerical method to estimate the concentration of occupant-generated C02 for the occupancy found in elementary school classrooms with nonforced ventilation.