The key principle of this work is that intermittent ventilation is equivalent to continuous ventilation if the pollutant exposure to an individual in the space is the same in both cases.
This study surveyed concentrations of airborne AP (alkyphenols) in indoor air and outdoor air in Tokyo. An analytical method has been developed using the gas chromatography/mass spectrometry-SIM.
The second part of the VIP Indoor air pollutants concerns the sources of pollutants and effective measures to control them or to make their impact on occupants less severe.
A recent survey study suggested that elderly people’s lifestyle and building + dwellings factors exposed them to an uncomfortable and poor environment regarding indoor air quality. In order to confirm the qualitative statements of this study, measurements
This paper presents the results of a study that explored if higher indoor minus outdoor CO2 concentrations were associated with increased student absence. The results of multivariate analyses are presented.
In this study the concept of ‘adaptive behaviour’ is extended to look at the effects of personal adjustments and regulator control changes provided in offices. It is evident from experience as described in the adaptive approach, that clothing can play an
This study shows the possiblity of improving indoor air quality thanks to underfloor ventilation systems. The top-return configuration and the floor-return one are tested and compared to a traditional ceililng based mixing system.
This paper sums up the evolution of the AIVC technical programme over the past 25 years with its main subjects of interest and its main productions (guides, handbooks, technical notes, database, literature reviews).The communication between research communities and AIVC is also evoked along with its future developments.
From AIC to AIVC changes have occured with increased awareness of the role of ventilation. AIVC will have to continuously evaluate changes in society and technology in order to stay attractive and useful for its target groups. This paper comments the scope of the annex 5, the type of activities, the global environment in which annex 5 is working, and the dissemination approach for the diffusion of information on AIVC website.
This paper first describes the analysis results of flow and temperature fields around the human body.Thanks to various examples, it is made clear that CFD has developed into a very effective and powerful tool for analysis and design of healthy indoor environments.