Interactive indoor air flow analysis using high performance computing and virtual reality techniques

In this article a prototype application of an interactive CFD-based computational steering system is presented, connecting a high performance computer (HPC) with a Virtual Reality (VR) environment. During the preliminary investigation of indoor air flow phenomena the user is able to interact on line, e.g. by modifying the geometry of the simulation scenario during the simulation itself. To allow for a comfortable analysis of complex fluid flow configurations a VR system consisting of a stereoscopic projection unit and a wand device is supported.

Local radiative heat transfer on a human body. Analyses through modelling

In the case of moderate climates, convective and radiative heat exchanges are the main avenues for heat losses on a human body. When using a dummy it is sometimes difficult to have a good estimation of the heat transfer coefficients for convection and/or radiation and especially to determine the part of each mode. It is now quite easy to calculate radiative transfer with accuracy. The approach proposed here, is to find a better estimation of the local radiative heat transfer through modeling and to discuss the value of local radiative coefficients in different situations.

Evaluation of Human Thermal Response in Occupied Spaces Subjected to Direct Solar Radiation

The objective of this work is to evaluate the human thermal response in occupied spaces subjected to direct solar radiation. In this study, done in a full scale compartment equipped with an airconditioning system, a thermal-manikin (to simulate the human body posture), a multi-nodal human

Effects of Reported Neurobehavioral Symptoms on Call Center Operator Performance in the Tropics

A 2x2 balanced experiment was carried out in an air-conditioned call center in the Tropics using a blind intervention approach to study the combined effects of temperature and outdoor air supply rate. Twenty-six permanent call center operators participated in the nine-week study. Intensity of headache symptom was significantly reduced with increased outdoor air supply rate at 24.5C (P<0.03). Similar observation at P<0.04 was observed for a principal component (neurobehavioral symptoms and self-assessed productivity) derived from a set of self evaluated symptoms.

Indoor Air Climatic Design of the Tombs of Valley of Kings

Airflow characteristics in ventilated and air-conditioned spaces play an important role to attain comfort and hygiene conditions. This paper utilizes a 3D Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model to assess the airflow characteristics in ventilated and air-conditioned archeological tombs of Egyptian Kings in the Valley of the Kings in Luxor, Egypt.

Personal exposures to particles and microbes in relation to microenvironmental concentrations

324 microenvironmental measurements were carried out with identical protocols on 81 elementary teachers working in 2 cities in eastern Finland. They allowed the comparison of the personal exposure to particles and microbes with the exposure assessed by stationary samplers in home and workplace.

Nasal histamine reactivity among adolescents in a remediated moisture-damaged school - a longitudinal study

This paper sums up a longitudinal study carried out on a group of students and teachers in a remediated moisture-damaged school. Registration of subjective data (questionnaires) and objective data (nasal histamine reactivity) has been made. Results and discussion are presented.

Surface dust contamination and perceived indoor environment in office buildings

The aim of that study was to test the impact of cleaning on indoor environement quality. Surface dust measurements were made on samples taken from office rooms before and after cleaning during the heating period of the buildings. Before the sampling, the occupants completed a questionnaire survey. The data were analyzed then discussed.

Experimental Study of Draft Perception of Tropically Acclimatized Subjects under Personalized Ventilation

A 2x3 series of experimental conditions under ambient room temperature of 26 °C, two Personalised ventilation (PV) supply air temperatures of 20, 23 °C, and three levels of PV air flow rates of 4.5, 7.3, 11.2 L/s/person were conducted using tropically acc

Improving comfort and health by personalized ventilation

The thermal environment and air quality in buildings affects occupants’ health, comfort and performance. The heating, ventilating and air-conditioning (HVAC) of buildings today is designed to provide a uniform room environment. However, large individual d
