The paper reviews the effect of environmental parameters on the migration of particulate matter. Themethodology involves simultaneous monitoring of particulate matter using dust monitor at indoor and outdoor locations along with the ambient environmental conditions. The study is of great significance as Particulate Matter (PM) has been reviewed in terms of particle count, which is more significant as compared to particle mass. In this paper, the variation of Indoor (PM) /Outdoor (PM) calculated on the basis of count are studied as a function of ambient wind speed, temperature and humidity.
Aerosol particles are one of the main causes to pollute indoor air. Reliable models for particletransport save time, money and help to reduce risk of health problems for occupants. In this work, we simulate particles transport in a two-zone enclosure with different particle characteristics. A statistically based analytical model is used for particles equilibrium whereas a Lagrangian model is employed to determine particle trajectories.
This paper analyses an individual control system that accounts for human thermal adaptation.Although the conventional individual control system has been shown to provide a satisfactory level of thermal comfort, there are questions over its energy efficiency. It has therefore become urgent to develop a new individual control system that can ensure both energy saving and thermal comfort. In this study, the alleviation time is proposed as an energy-saving control strategy for the individual control system.
In the light of ever increasing oil prices and rapidly depleting fossil fuel resources, energyconservation strategies in buildings become popular and necessary design goals. However, it is important to note that resulting poor ventilation in the occupied zones at part-load operating conditions or even unanticipated peak-load conditions due to a different occupancy pattern can often lead to major problems associated with poor Indoor Air Quality (IAQ).
Achievement of thermal comfort can be improved if individual control of the environment is allowed,namely through a local heating system (LHS), consisting of individually controlled radiant heating panels, adapted to a common office desk to a seated person. The coupling with of a new radiative module enhances the simulating capabilities of an existing CFD numerical model. The added improvements are applied to the evaluation of the thermal performance o the LHS. A comparative analysis clearly demonstrates the relevance of a due consideration of radiative exchanges.
This paper reports the function and the performance of chair mounted isothermal airflowgenerator system. There were four air outlets on the movable armrests and the air velocity at the body surface of an occupant was adjustable with fan speed controller. The air intakes were installed on the seat and the backrest of the chair. The experiment was carried out with 16 adult persons as the subject and the TSV and CSV were investigated under three different ambient conditions (26, 28, and 30C, 50%RH).
In this paper micro-environment around human body with a personalized ventilation system ina displacement ventilated room was simulated by the standard k-e model. The geometry of thecomputational thermal manikin (CTM) is a real representation of a human body. Detailed analyses of air flow at the facial region and inhaled air quality improvement with personalized ventilation system were carried out with the aid of this complicated CTM.
A detailed study using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) was conducted on the influenceof the difference in the effective diameters of air supply outlets (wind velocity, assuming the airflow rate to be constant) when using personal air conditioning with isothermal air currents. A method to analyze the new age of air (SVE3*) and the residual lifetime of air (SVE6*) was proposed and studied focusing on the individual supply openings and exhasut openings in a room with multiple supply openings and exhasut openings when using personal air conditioning.
Thirty human subjects participated in experiments with five different air terminal devices forpersonalized ventilation operating at two levels of room air temperature within the range prescribed instandards for thermal comfort, namely 23C and 26C. The subjects actively used the possibility to change the airflow rate and to adjust the positioning of the air terminal devices in regard to the airflow direction. The individual control provided allowed subjects to maintain thermal neutrality with the systems studied, except one, named Headset at the higher room temperature of 26C.
Task conditioning system is expected to reduce energy consumption in buildings and also toimprove thermal comfort of occupants. In this paper, an isothermal task unit was developed and its impact on subjective feeling was invesigated. Laboratory and field surveys were carried out. The airflow characteristic of the unit and usage of the unit in an actual office are described. Preferred airflow and seating condition of the workers using the unit were observed. Most of the workers preferred the airflow from the unit. Task unit was most effective immediately after a worker took their seat.